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Today’s Blog Post
“Why don’t you?” – “Why not try?” – The Story of My Tatted Angels
I just finished this year’s Christmas Angel for the Lincoln Family home. You can see her above.
Each year I have been trying to create a new Angel for our home. Something that I have made with my hands and has come from my soul. Something from my creative being for my home and family.
A number of these have been carved which you can see on my web site – as well as at the end of this Blog today.
But this week I launched into a new area for my Angel work. Before I tell you all about it, I want you to know what my Grandma Lenore Lincoln did along with many of her friends.
Lenore had moved from the Springfield, Illinois area to southern Saskatchewan after she married James Otto Lincoln. She was a Tatter. Her dad, Benjamin Phillips had taught her how to do Tatting when she was about 8 years old. Now as a married lady and soon to be mother she brought with her one of her treasures to this new land – Tatting and her shuttle.
South western Saskatchewan, just north of the State of Montana is not a bit like Illinois. There are no trees. There is only rolling prairie that stretches forever. A few shrubs grow in the gullies around the area that James Otta Lincoln had purchased as their homestead. But little else.
When he built the small home on the property to house his soon to arrive family the wind whistled through the cracks. It was an endless wind that came from the West and Northwest. Seldom did it every come from any other place.
When there was no wind or even a breeze it was because the weather had turned so cold that there was absolute stillness at Minus 45 to 54 degrees below Zero. The only sound then was the crackle of the fire in the old stove, the ticking of a clock and the sound of Grandpa’s rocking chair.
It was on those long days, or cold nights, or anytime… that Lenore picked up her shuttle and worked it back and forth in her hands. Wrapping the cotton around left hand she held the shuttle in her right hand… then passed it back and forth the left hand thread… under over, over under… a million times for a start.
On those many years of Tatting Lenore made hundreds of things for other people. To this day I have one piece of her Tatting… and my Aunt Annie may have more… but little has survived the long journeys and changes in life over all those years.
I have the wooden shuttle that my Great Grandfather Benjamin Franklin Phillips carved for Lenore. And I have the last piece that her hands were working on before she passed away… it is unfinished with the shuttle and ball still attached.
The tradition of Lenore’s day was to buy some very simple handkerchiefs at the “5 and 10 Cent Store” – or was that the “Five and Dime store” then Tat an edging that was attached to the hanky making it a treasure to keep forever. This would become a Birthday present for the lady on the next farm, or a wedding present for the young bride getting married next spring.
Applying Tatting to other things increased the opportunity for the craft to be kept alive. It was far more than dollies or ornaments for fancy furniture. It was practical and useful as well.
With this pioneer spirit I launched this latest Angel this week.
The Angel is a small and intricate pieces of stained glass (actually clear glass) all soldered together. She is so small and delicate that I can hold her in my hand. I purchased her from a local Craft Store (Michael’s) and brought her home.
As you can see I have simply tatted some simple Tatted rings – all in a row without any Chain Tatting. This then is glued to the wings and arms of the Angel. She needed a bit more so I applied small snowflakes to her dress.
The Angel was created in China… travelled to my world in Canada… and now is ready for the Lincoln Christmas.
But as soon as it was done orders have arrived for three more… that may travel across Canada and other places. Oh Boy – get Tatting!
I have also carved more Angels and then added the Tatting as Wings. Photos below.
Some caught the view of the Angel on my Peterborough Festival of Trees –Christmas Tree… she has Tatted wings, a hallow and edging as well. And then there are a few more that have arrived as well… like the other 15 on the Tatted Christmas Tree.
Wings made of Tatting are amazing.
“Why don’t you?” – “Why not try?” Give it a try!!! Yes I am teaching Tatting each week locally. And yes you could make something for Christmas!
Gotta run… more Angels arriving and more Tatting to do!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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