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Today’s Blog Post
I am Amazed with “Spirit of Excellence”
In 2008 I met Colleen Kosti. Colleen had a vision and had launched this vision that came to reality in 2005(2003 registered Charity)… and has blossomed ever since into an unbelievable opportunity for the community that she lives in.
To explain this better it would be good to have a picture in your mind of a vacant lot that was once used for purpose…but had fallen into ruins. The lot that was once something special is over grown with weeds of all kinds. The lot that once was representative of hope and a future is now dead.
Have you got that hopeless feeling yet?
The vacant lot could be a real place but for the people that I met it is their lives in an inner city kind of area of a big city.
Their circumstance caught them in a desperate situation where there was little hope. The children of these people had no hope at all of getting some of the things that the rest of a larger community hoped for – and knew they deserved.
The larger community could get what they wanted with just a little effort. The smaller community, the one that Colleen works with, faced impossible odds to ever make it out of “the vacant lot of their life”.
Colleen and her crew of volunteers stepped in to make a difference. This is where “Spirit of Excellence” grew. “Spirit of Excellence” or SOE is creative ministry to the children and adults of the inner city area of Windsor.
Colleen and I met when I was invited to take part in a special weekend in Windsor, Ontario. My friend Kevin was encouraging me to share my story with the folk that he works with at New Song Church on Drouillard Road in Windsor.
While at New Song I not only spoke about my new Ministry of “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy”, I taught art classes for any one that wanted to come. I believe that the creative part of me can and will reach out to give hope. My speaking at New Song was also part of the Creative.
(Now you need to know that the amazing church on Drouillard Road is not like any church that you have ever attended before. The best I can say is that you need to watch this video. Pastor Kevin Rogers is leading the worship… and the song that he is leading is one that he wrote… like many of the songs of New Song. Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAR7VWIgwdI )
Today Colleen contacted me to share a new production that has come from the kids of SOE and the Drouillard Road area. Together with another volunteer by the name of “AaronG” they have produced a fantastic video. YOUNEED TO WATCH THIS!
At this very moment only 9 people have watched it. I predict that this video will go “VIRAL” reaching into the 100,000s – maybe even Millions with the weeks to come. You can be one of the first to discover it today!!!!
Colleen’s email to me this AM and Press Release states the following… quote…
November 26, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Colleen Kosti
(519) 566-3328
Founder - Executive Director
Spirit of Excellence, Inc
"What Am I"
video produced by AaronG
at Windsor's NEW SOE Studio
located on Drouillard
WINDSOR, ONTARIO - November 26, 2010 - Probably one of Windsor's best kept secrets - is Spirit of Excellence Creativity Centre, located on Drouillard Road since February 2005. The Creativity Centre has learned how to multiply little to become much for children in need of enlarging their vision!
Spirit of Excellence Creativity Centre (a Charity committed to using the arts to develop potential in children & youth) has launched their own studio to be a voice for local youth. They have just released the video "What Am I". This was a creative project with the goal to be a voice for children and youth who would not have the opportunity to share their concerns and feelings - SOE does hear them and is a voice and a safe place of imparting life skills of excellence for many youth wanting to discover and realize their dreams.
This project was created by Michigan native media tech, musician and voice over artist AaronG, who has been volunteering his time to instruct at SOE since 2007. He has been teaching at the centre as a guest instructor, sumer Camp X'cellence music director and media teacher for the SOELIT youth leadership program. He put together this new project "What Am I" with local Windsor youth who have been attending SOE Centre and several other SOE instructors who also volunteer their time and have been instructors for years at SOE. AaronG also built the new SOE TV Studio located in the centre's Penthouse Loft. A beautiful wood rafter, perfect acoustic studio space the centre owns in their 8000 square feet Headquarters. They use this Penthouse Loft for their new TV Studio Set, recording their projects, writing workshops and hands-on youth training in media, book writing and dramatic arts. A second video is in the editing phase now with many interviews from local community members, who share their personal observations over the years on the impact Spirit of Excellence has made in the lives of our local youth.
'Support our future - help the ones right in front of us.'
What can you do?
Copy the Link for the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1poxn_rhmo into as many emails that you can. I would suggest that every person on your email list would benefit from watching this video.
I intend to do this for as many people as I can. They all need to hear the message of these special people talking.
Like the statement above we can 'Support our future - help the ones right in front of us.'
~ Murray Lincoln ~
“What Am I” video… WOW!
New Song Church – Windsor
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