Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Hidden Things that Might Surprise You

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
The Hidden Things that Might Surprise You

In my world filled with aging and older people I am kind of, almost… perhaps possibly… out of touch. There are times that I don’t know what is going on. I would like to know who is doing what… or how someone talked to someone else… how another person reacted to the delicate situation.. but I don’t. I used to.

In the world of church ministry and in the days that I was a Pastor of a Church in our community I kind of followed all “the goings on” in many people lives. I knew when Dear Sister So and So was sick, how she was doing from one visit to another, how her kids were feeling or how they weren’t even bothering to come to visit her. I knew when Brother Here It All had picked up on someone in the church that was about ready to leave because they didn’t like what the youthful worship leader had said and how he dressed.

I heard when people were unhappy with their wife or their husband… and what a sad case that spouse was. Sheesh! I even knew when the last time some folk had sex. In fact… in one week I had reports on half a dozen sexual encounters that were launched in different directions. And in too many cases I knew how many were sleeping with someone that wasn’t their marriage partner.

No way Pastor! People didn’t tell you that kind of stuff – did they!!?

Yep they did. And sometimes they told it about themselves but most often they told it about people that they knew way too much about. They might have been at someone’s place or in a coffee shop… they might have been fishing with someone… they were doing whatever… and found out the juice and reported it back to me.

I know way too much about most people. I have no idea what I need to know or why I need to keep it – but I do. For instance the other day in a store I saw a man that has a very big mouth about him… he says some real stupid things and then walks away. No one likes him at all…. In fact they can’t stand him. I know what he has done at home and in the community… and it is sad!

I saw another woman that is hiding huge secrets from others. I know the secrets and if her friends knew what I knew they would think that she is closer to a Street Walker than a Saint – which she wishes others to see. This one is just on the edge of being hilarious.

I describe these present moments as Flash Backs for a Minister… specially a retired one. I know way too much for my own mental health.

Now just suppose that I some how had written down all that I have seen and all that I know. Suppose that I accidentally dropped my books that I have kept all that stuff in… and someone found it. Suppose that all that I know was placed in a diary that has 35 years of Ministerial Junk in it… and someone else opened it and found out all that I know or thought about these complicated people that I have worked with….?

Hokey Mokey – there would be lawsuits flying and lawyers involved and legal wars launched that would take the rest of my lifetime!

I know now that having coffee with certain people – or perhaps visiting certain places would be almost impossible.

With these thoughts in mind… you can see what has happened this week… Wikileaks has done just that with the Diaries of the United States Officials. Someone has published a huge amount of private information and that the dignitaries of the USA, Ambassadors and folk around them have written down about the people that they have met. And it hasn’t been very flattering to say the least.

In the Globe and Mail’s report they offered the following… quote…
“When Russian politician Gadzhi Makhachev invited a United States ambassador to the lavish wedding of his son, he probably didn’t expect him to pen a 3,500-word critique.

But William Burns documented every last tacky detail for his superiors in Washington: the silver Rolls Royce Phantom packed with Kalashnikov rifles; the scantily-clad dancers who were showered with $100 U.S. bills; the invite list that included a drunken wrestler, a nano-physicist, a rabbi in flip flops, and some “stupendously fat guests” who performed a traditional lezginka dance. He even pointed out that he refused to allow a colonel to add “cognac” to his wine.”
End quote

William Burns will not likely be invited to another wedding in Russia… even though he was the Ambassador of the USA.

For most of my aging and old friends they care only about their next doctor’s appointment… or when their XRays are to be taken prior to their next Doc Visit.

But Wikileaks is important to know about.

Just suppose that the Wikileaks releases some nasty stuff about say… China… and China then reacts… and will not produce anymore of our cheap Christmas Presents… MY GOODNESS CHRISTMAS would be GONE!

Now a funny thought to help the church… after all that still is my main concern… ahem….

Why not announce a Wikileak Leak each Sunday Morning in Church? Say… a simple announcement that says… “Former Pastor Murray Lincoln will be reading from his personal memoirs next week. All are invited to hear these fascinating stories. As some of the content is considered “adult content” it is not recommended that children be included in the audience. The church takes no responsibility for what may be revealed.”

I think attendance might quadruple over night. There are Hidden things that might surprise you… a whole lot of things – oh boy!

Say did you know that XXX XXXXX has XXXXX XXXX X XXX CXXXXXX and that XXXX has XXXxxXXxXXxxxxXXxx XXXxxxxx??? XXXX X – no kidding! Xxxxx told me that one.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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