Thursday, October 7, 2010

Talking to the Boss from 925 Western Ave

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

Talking to the Boss from 925 Western Ave

On this past Tuesday night we had visitors come along for supper in our driveway. We had Stewart and Lillian, Larry and Linda, Alan and Joanne with their daughter-in-law and baby, Art and Donna, Darlene and John, Fernand, Sharon and Marion, plus two of the La Fonte Gals join us for the fun. Almost as many sent their regrets as well, they were too busy to come.

For the past number of years we have invited our neighbours for the Block Party in our driveway. We provide the hamburgers and hot dogs together with the pop, hot coffee and condiments. They each bring salad and desserts. What a ball it has been.

When we started the Block Party the groups was bigger. Since that time a few have passed away – or moved away. Others have had health problems that will not allow them to come to the party. And some new folk have joined us.
The neighbourhood changes as life goes on.

The conversation around the large circle was delightful. Listening in I heard…
“So you’re the one that shovelled my driveway – thank you so much!”

“I didn’t know you lived here. WOW! When did you come to the street! We haven’t seen each other for how many years!?”

“So when are you heading south again? I see that you have your trailer ready.”

The laughter and the stories rippled around the group and across the circle. We were together again.

Since we began the times together at this Block Party it has been a connecting of lives and families in a powerful way.

When Ken passed away Sharon was left alone. She was devastated. Her son Jack came over to talk to me and asked if I would do his dad’s funeral. Then some more time went by and Sharon’s only daughter Kendra passed away also. Jack came again to ask me if I could help again… “You’re the only Rev I know… and you did such a good job at Dad’s funeral….”

This past summer Jack asked me to carve a dolphin for his sister’s small memorial that they created in the backyard for his mom. Kendra and Ken’s ashes are resting beside each other.

Darlene had a friend that was losing her husband to cancer. She talked to me about doing a carving for her friend. That carving was very special in that her friend’s husband passed away about a month later. The carving was of her husband sitting at his desk working as a Book Keeper. Her husband thought it was the best gift ever!

Alan and Joanne lost their son in Afghanistan. He was a soldier doing what he loved the best – serving his country. The large Canadian Flags on their house is how everyone knows them. They shared with me on Tuesday night how hard it has been since that happened in July 2009.

Art and Donna often stop by with their new pup. We talk a lot in the driveway as his pup gets treats from my wife.

Our street is a wonderful place to live. We are among our friends.

They know me as the Rev, as the Minister, as the Wood Carver, as the guy with the Big Bears in the driveway, and the best… as Murray. Every one of them wave to us when we drive down the street… just the way that rural folks greet each other.
It had been an overcast day on Tuesday. The fear was that if it rained we would have to cancel. The rain held off… then something special happened. God sent his light show... and I think… confirmed his blessing on what we were doing.

The sun was about set and the sky lit up in a wonderful way… everything looked as if it was on fire in the west. Then turning to the east we saw a double rainbow – full and complete from one side of the sky to the other.
What a blessing for all of us.

They were joking with me and asking if I had ordered the weather and the light show. I told them I had been talking with my “Boss” (God) earlier that day and had asked that he would keep the rain away and make it just a little bit warmer.

They all laughed when I told them I talked to my Boss about Tuesday! And somewhat impressed that my Boss answers my requests. For the entire day Toronto had rain on and off all day long. It never rained in Peterborough at all.

After we cleaned up the chairs and tables, everything was put away – the rain started and continued for most of the night.

Some of the folks were impressed that the Boss had listened to me! And I don’t doubt they will call again – when they need the Boss’s help. In that I have good and open line at 925 Western Ave. – they often stop to tell me what they are going through and how the Boss might help… if I could just ask him on their behalf.

I retired from full time Pastoral work in a church in June 2008. I wondered at that time what would happen to 35 years of pastoral experience… kind of thinking that it might just be over when I left.

Boy was I ever wrong to think that!

I gotta run. I am meeting some folk from our street this morning for coffee. That is after I work out a little…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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