Monday, October 25, 2010

Gaining Freedom From Snorters – Dealing with the contempt from People

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Today’s Blog Post

Gaining Freedom From Snorters – Dealing with the contempt from People

Yesterday in our church 9 People shared their stories of what they do in the community. It was amazing to hear all that is happening. Literally thousands of people are reached out to by the work of 9 people. And this was only 9 people that shared.

I was told by one of the leaders that this was done to help counteract a dismal feeling that some have had about what happens in our community from our church. Apparently some other churches tend to poo poo what happens at our church. Nice – eh? Sheesh.

I think that in a negative world that is constantly shoving rather negative stories at every one all the time… it is easy to become a pessimist. It is easy to adopt the lesser attitude… but in a way the lesser has become greater. There are at times, more negative people than positive people. It is like living under a great big cloud all the time.

I scan the News each day as I begin my world contacts. Some days it is better to read the reports after you get moving – than before. Some days you simply feel like getting back into bed after reading what the world has to offer that day.

How do you face a bleak world with a sense that things are better than they are being portrayed? How can you be positive in a negative world?

When it seems that all the people you talk to… all the thoughts that come your way are downers… WHAT DO YOU DO?

Personally I look back to what I know for sure. Not to what might happen.

I know that God has supported me well so far. I know that he has a plan for my life that is amazing… every indication that I have had so far is that has been true. Why would God quit on me?

Yesterday as I presented part of my story of how I have succeeded in what has happened in the last two years… I got some reaction for sure. Most was positive but one was enough to tip my boat a little.

Dear “Sister Snort” walked by and asked why I was there and why my photo was on a poster. I told her that was what I do know – and that is why I have my photo on the poster… She snorted and walked away. No further comment needed.

It was like she really can’t stand me and what I am as a person! Well maybe not that bad… but my imagination does terrible things to the possibilities in my life when people act weird like that. It is human.

I think terrible things about “Sister Snort”. I have witnessed her Snort or Grimace at something some one else has said in church. It is really too funny. Some day she will blow her brains out with the Snort I am afraid. My hope is that her contempt and snort at that minute will not be caused by me!

As I thought about her ability to bring my thoughts down, I thought of others that I am in contact with. They suffer far more than me.

A husband that I know is being abused by his wife. She is a real case to say the least. The worst part is she is portraying herself as a ‘royal princess’ in all things Christian. It is kind of funny really. She is committing adultery at the same time that she smacks her husband around with her words and actions – then writes and speaks about her wonderful Christian experience. No kidding!

I know another person that is being abused by his employer. The employer is not a good manager. He is evil. The job is a nightmare to work in. Yet the person that works there is treated with less respect than anyone I can imagine. The employees get snorts al the time!!!

The fact is that these two examples are ones that represent contempt… and snorting is the best they can offer the ones that they abuse.

On the side there are children involved and their lives are being hurt deeply with the actions of these “Snorters”.

The great danger for me is not that I will see Sister Snort coming my way. It is that I will start to Snort to when I see the old lady coming my way!

God help me to not snort… even by writing this idea out on paper. I do not want to snort when I hear the story! But I sure can.

If you are having problems with Snorters in your life… look up and beyond the attitude. These dear folk are not worth the air it takes to Snort.

So today I am looking for some freedom from Snorters!

Wahooo – I can see what is planned for me this day. and it is good.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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