Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
Tatting for the 2010 Festival of Trees
In Peterborough, Ontario we have a delightful community event coming in November, just prior to the Christmas rush. It is ideal to hold this event at this time as people are geared up to think of their Christmas Celebration.
It is also an amazing Charitable event that does a wonderful job of raising money in our community. Last year $210,000 was raised through this event. This helped the local hospital, the local Hospice group and also the local Health Services Foundation that purchases specialized equipment to help all of us.
Now the focal point of the Festival is the Christmas Tree. Trees are purchased, sponsored, decorated and then raffled off to raise the money that is brought in.
The unique thing is that at the end of the week’s events many different families will receive a brand new, fully decorated Christmas Tree.
I have made a huge decision to take one of these trees on as a project over the next few weeks. It will cost me time, energy and some money… to place the tree in the show.
My plan is to cover the Christmas Tree with Tatting and Wood Carvings – all made in the Misty Hollow Carving Shop. And at this very early stage I have completed the first steps to making this happen.
The Tree will be a my first huge step into making my Business a Blessing. If it isn’t a Blessing it is hollow.
I am excited about the way that everything has come into place to make this happen.
Each year we have attended the festival, I have nudged myself saying, “You can do that!” or asking “Why couldn’t you do that too?”
Many of the trees are from professional companies such as Home Depot or Canadian Tire. So why couldn’t Misty Hollow Carving step up and take on a similar project – and do some good at the same time?
Finally I made the decision… and have launched out!
Do you have any idea how pretty a Christmas Tree is when it is covered in Tatting, Teddy Bears and small carvings?
I don’t think they do either… and the WOWs that I have received so far has been amazing.
Gotta run… more Tatting to do today!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Some examples of My latest Tatting
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