Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan is in trouble again

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Today’s Blog Post

Lindsay Lohan is in trouble again

Lindsay Lohan is in trouble again. Man this must be hard for her! She has failed another Drug Test this past week and will be in court again. This time she could get more time in prison for violating her probation orders.

I have pointed to her before and have shaken my head as everyone else did. Coming from her troubled past and complicated family she has struggled in so many ways. It is touch no doubt.

Yet in Andrew Blankstein’s, (of the Los Angeles Times) article there is great hint as he quotes a statement by Lindsay regarding her friendships… in Vanity Fair… quote..
“ She told Vanity Fair that being in jail taught her that she needed to stop surrounding herself with people who lure her into trouble.
"So many people around me would say they cared for the wrong reasons," she told the magazine.

"A lot of people were pulling from me, taking from me and not giving. I had a lot of people that were there for me for, you know, the party."
End quote…

This young lady is truly getting the idea and maybe seeing for the first time what is helping to hold her addiction in place.

Complicated family and a past that is difficult to deal with… then connecting with no so good friends… leads to major problems…. That is what Lindsay has lived all her life from what I have gleaned so far.

Guys coming from prison in Canada cannot have anything to do with other guys from Prison… no close relationships. However some do so and then have more problems. DUH! Get smart and listen to what the folk that know are telling you!

It is one thing to know this and quite another to do something about it.

How do you leave old and good friends?

Lindsay is struggling with this and you likely are as well!

I know some one now that has cut off all contact with any of the solid friends that might help. And now this person has replaced each of these with one “friend” that has his personal intentions of self satisfaction applied to all that is done. In the illegal world it is called RAPE…. In the world that these folk live in it is now called “finding yourself”. It is so sad to watch… so very sad!

Lindsay Lohan has been deceived… why would some of us not be the same? You better believe we can get there very quickly… very, very quickly!


~ Murray Lincoln ~


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