Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Giant Destroyer! Oh Yah!

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

The Giant Destroyer! Oh Yah!

“Aaarrrgh! Alida… that stupid thing came back or has told some friends about his old hang out!”

The Ground Hog hole I filled in so neatly and covered so well was wide open and the new resident had moved in.

And we were so kind… so humane… so hospitable taking him to his new residence near Costco!

Well today… I took the next step. Introducing “The Giant Killer” – it is about four inches long and one inch in diameter. It has a fuse that is lit and then the bomb comes alive. Just as this is happening it is necessary to get it into the hole and then cover the hole with dirt as the things burns rapidly.

The instructions give clear warning on NOT BREATHING the gas that is emitted.

The Giant Killer - Active ingredients include…
Sodium Nitrate.....46.2%
Charcoal............ 8.7%
Other Ingredients...10.3%

Well… a few minutes ago, with my heart beating rapidly I lit the fuse of the bomb. I had the bomb tapped to the end of the old mop handle. As I stuck the mop handle into the hole with the bomb going crazy… it went away down and then down some more. There is only 12 inches sticking out now.

Covering the hole was easy… the smoke seeping up rapidly as I shovelled the dirt into the hole.

It is now about noon time… no sign of the critter. BUT the package said I should do it at night as that is the time that they are in the burrow. The warning was clear… “Have some one hold and flash light… and don’t breathe in the fumes.”

There was a certain feeling of power as that bomb descended into the blackness below. Oh yah! Super killer was now in charge! I did it!

Sorry I have to run… gotta make sure… wanna watch if he comes again. Right now there is a log jammed into the hole… but he maybe coming back out soon.


~ Murray Lincoln ~

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