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Today’s Blog Post
Dealing with Canada’s Aging Population in its Prisons
As I sat with a group of Seniors yesterday talking, we discussed the Clifford Olson case. They had heard about the Clifford Olson Pension cheque fiasco… They offered some reflection on what they thought.
Like most people they were shocked to think that there are more than 500 people in our Canadian Prison system who are Senior Citizens. These are the kind of people that the Government is trying to take the Pension money away from.
As you look closer into the issue you will find that the Bill that the Government is trying to herd through the Parliament is primarily targeting men like Clifford Olson. In other words they are trying to target people that the general public doesn’t like in simple terms.
BTW – one thing to note is that in relative terms Canada has far less Seniors in Prison than the USA does.
Quoting Peter Worthington’s article March 22, 2010 in the Toronto Sun Newspaper…
“It also raises the question of aging inmates in our prisons. In the U.S. there are some 35,000 prison inmates who are over 65. Most of them have committed crimes that will never entitle them to parole. In Canadian prisons, there are some 500 federal inmates 65 and over — 1.5% of the prison population. That’s an 87% increase of inmates over 65, since 1993.” End Quote
Peter points out in his article that Canada has 131 of every 100,000 people in Prison. The USA has 750 of every 100,000 in Prison.
Now with a possible 87% increase in the Senior Population in Canada’s Prison System – we have a growing problem in Prison Health Care.
The same thing happened inside of Prison as outside. When people grow older their health needs increase. They need to have more Health Care provisions increases dramatically.
These men in prison have basically the same intake of food for the entire time they are in prison. As their age increases they should have different dietary offerings – but that doesn’t happen.
Seniors on the outside are able to make better choices… but inside they cannot. They eat what is put in front of them. Diabetics and special concern people eat the same. I mean the authorities can’t pamper to these guys – they are criminals for Pete’s sake!
But an important thought to consider is… are you ready… they will eventually get out of prison. They will come out with some major health problems that have not been dealt with. And when they do, our Health Care System will look after it Provincially… adding further strain on a well taxed system already.
My point… Seniors should not remain in jail or prison… not the regular prison at least. They need to be placed in a secure senior’s home – on the outside or prison.
A friend of mine is about to accomplish this kind of thing. He has made an investment of a huge amount of money and organizational time. They are about to build a reasonable senior’s housing unit that men that are in trouble heath wise can be moved to.
As I spoke to him about what is happening he pointed to the need that many of the men have in prison… dementia. He has been asked if he would prepare for the handling of men with this problem. The prison facility cannot handle this kind of person. As time has gone on there are more and more of these folk inside.
An obvious fact is so evident… these kind of folk will not commit crime any longer! A sick old man is simply sick. And like all sick old men the primary concern that they have is their health issues. Their new norm of a “health issue prison”, blood tests each day, better diets, more tests upon tests already done… pretty well occupy most of their time.
Why not spend more time on making better decisions about men in prison and releasing seniors to the community… THAN FUSSING ABOUT CLIFFORD OLSON!?
If the Government wanted to show their great ability to THINK… and do the best for all of us… why would they not address this issue in a better way?
I guess I have the answer to my own question… really… “Because they are the Government that wants to get elected.” And a Government in that state of mind usually says and does things that will look like they are looking for votes.
What would happen if all Canadians began to THINK about a better way? Politicians would not be able to get on small band wagons and say silly thing without thinking… is my guess.
The non issue of whether bad men, that are old get a very small pension while in prison… is what they major on. No one so far that I have listened to as Federal Politicians do any thinking at all. THINK ABOUT IT… is all that I ask. What is best for the whole system and for Canadians?
Now there is an issue that no ones has thought about as well. Suppose that the man is released as a Senior. He has not worked for 15 to 20 years. He has no money because we have taken his pension away. How will he live from that minute on?
If he has a Pension inside… he will have money stashed in a Bank Account when he gets out… not much but some.
Coming out of prison without any money is stupid. It is easier to commit another crime and go back rather than try to live without money. Inside they feed you and take care of you… outside they hate you and give you nothing. Why leave Prison?
Take their Pension Cheques away and they far less reason to want to get out at all.
THINK CANADA THINK! Don’t believe men and women that have their own best interest at heart. THINK!
One political handler close to our PM stated today in a Toronto Star article about Olson’s offer of his Pension Cheque… quote “We will not accept one penny from a reprehensible child killer,” said Dimitri Soudas, Harper’s director of communications.” End quote.
Good protection comments for political leaders.
What would happen if Soudas would have said…
“Our PM has been giving this matter considerable thought. He feels that our Country needs to take a far more positive stance in dealing with Seniors in Prison. This publicity stunt by Mr. Olson is trying to show himself off. Instead we would like to announce today that, under our great organization of Correctional Services Canada, we are taking positive steps to keep our community safe and also help aging Prisoners with their health issues. We are opening a series of self supported Health Care Centres that are designed just for men coming from Prison. These will be secure facilities that will be equipped to look after a wide variety of Health issues of these men. We recognize that these men that have committed crime are our dads, our uncles, our brothers and our grandfathers. What they did was not right. But what we are about to do is right.”
Please note that I am dreaming here… and it is What if only..
~ Murray Lincoln ~
It seems Christians should be taking the lead in the areas you are addressing. And we should be taking the lead in addressing other areas where inequality exists. Jesus established the criteria for what he is passionate about when he returns.
ReplyDelete34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' Matthew 25
I guess we'll get around to those things when the church mortgage is paid. BTW: Jesus will have returned before that happens.
Why would we expect the government to think when Christians completely ignore Jesus words while somehow managing to flog tithing to local church buildings which didn't even exist in the first century?