Sunday, September 12, 2010

The 43 Year Honeymoon and Anniversary

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

The 43 Year Honeymoon and Anniversary

I am not sure which place or event was the most memorable. The Honeymoon was 43 years ago. Way back then as we camped along the St. Lawrence River, on the small hillock leading down to the river, the wind blew all night long making the tent shake and the plastic sheeting that covered it rattle incessantly.

Or maybe it was the time we were going to share one of our first meals together. Alida was getting the dinner ready on our three burner camp stove and I was blowing up mattress for the tent. Just as I blew harder the mattress suddenly caught a new life as it filled and straightened itself out with a pop. That action hit the handle of the pot boiling the corn on the cob and it all went rolling down the hill. Steaming hot cobs are hard to catch let alone pick up. Brushing the cobs off of the sand and grass was hard, as we laughed so hard.

Or maybe it was the delight of skipping down to the beach and setting my feet in the Atlantic Ocean for the very first time. We had never seen the Ocean before and knew nothing about it really. It was so cold that I nearly lost all feeling in my feet and legs for at least 15 minutes! The site of beautiful new bride in her bathing suit, sitting on the warm towel and laughing hysterically – warmed me up quickly! Ahem!

For the last three days we repeated the Honeymoon over again… but a much shorter version. It was three full days filled with laughter and giggling and fun stuff from the minute we woke up until we went to sleep at night. Today it feels like at least two weeks since I left home.

I shot 186 photos of this recent Honeymoon. I will publish most on a Photo Album on my Facebook… and some below.

This time around no corn on the ground… just Antique shops filled with the glory of the Old Days… with a visit to the Southworks Antique and Outlet Mall in Cambridge.

This time around it included a dream car photo op… with me and my new Lamborghini… way too cool. It is a car that I always have wanted to be the owner of… but tight money as a Minister hasn’t not allowed that freedom in spending. The cool part was the dude that let me stand beside his super car was shopping for Antiques in the same stores!

The time included a wonderful experience to the St. Jacobs Market and a stroll through St. Jacobs as well. You cannot really describe the amount of people that attend this market on a beautiful fall day! It is like the largest Fall Fair/Summer Fair in the country – every Saturday and Thursday!

There were many Chinese People at the Market. Alida mentioned that they were all smiling and must have felt like they had gone back home… a full and busy market is like home for them!

Our first 43 Honeymoon Dinner together was not over a hot camp stove. Instead we settled into a delightful Chinese Restaurant and ate an unbelievable meal. The waiters and waitress were very excited to take part in our Anniversary celebrations! The Chinese couple at the next table got involved too… he took our photo as we sat under the Calendar telling the world the special date.

I am still smiling – what a WONDERFUL DATE – Honeymoon Date it has been! I really didn’t’ want to come back to the real world. Sheesh! That is what it was like 43 years ago! But now there are Grand Kids to come home to… people that we love living near by and a wonderful group of OLD friends.

Gotta run… life is waiting for us… a Grandson has to get to his Baseball Game and we are off running again!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

Our Cottage Accommodations - Much better than the Tent of 43 years ago

With my Dream Car - my new Lamborghini

Southworks Antique Mall and Outlet Shopping Mall - Cambridge - Galt

The Cambridge wrapped in hand made Woolen Products - art installation

Galt Knox Presbyterian Church

St. Jacobs Market - Lunch Time

Enjoying the Dutch Apple Crisp and Hot Coffee

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a Great Time!!

    Where did you find that neat "cottage"--did you know about it before--looks Way better than a tent, esp. after 43 years--oh those achey bones!
