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Today’s Blog Post
Stupid Emails – I mean really Stupid Emails!
The text of the email that my friend forwarded to me reads as follows…
“This is not sent for discussion. If you agree, forward it... If you don't, delete it.
I don't want to know one way or the other. By me forwarding it, you know how I feel.
Seen at a NASCAR race. Enough said!”
End quote
Now my friend does this to me to get me going I am sure… and this one was too good (too bad) to not catch. I just had to do something with it. Thanks Terry – I told I would.
Along with the statement made by the email came this photo…
Now you will see the hatred that is felt by the owner of the truck. Not sure if the good old boy that owns the truck at the NASCAR race is a down home, church attending, bible thumper… maybe not. But he sure hates Islamic people and Islam.
Can you imagine this Trucker making it into Canada with the Border Guards we have on duty. That would be a site to behold to say the least.
Using the same logic and basic hatred for another person we need to be fair about it all. Here is another Tailgate that was seen not far from the Islam hating one… in my mind at least. I mean fair is fair – isn’t it?
How does that sit with you as a God Fearing, Regular Church Attending, Bible Thumping, Faithful, Down Home Christian?
Kind of stings doesn’t it?
In my two years of retirement I have seen a lot of things and heard a lot of things that make me shake my head. And this tailgate is not one of them.
What really knocks me off kilter is the things that are touted as Christian. They are not Christ like – so they cannot be Christian in my mind.
Each time I have witnessed one of these non Christian things… I go back to the Basic Manual for Christians – the Bible – and I cannot find references to what is suggested.
Emails and emails forwarded are a great snapshot of society. It is almost like an archaeological dig… you can see what was really there – long ago… of just a few minutes ago. I love the ones that come my way… but I know people are careful what they send… because I use them for my fodder to write.
Today that happened with the Tailgate about Islam.
Today my thinking is for every Islamic Person and how much God loves them. That kind of blows most people in the Western World.
Thanks Terry… you got me thinking!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Well done!!!