Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
“An explosive cocktail that transforms men’s sex lives, whatever their age or medical history!”
The envelop is about 5” X 7” and white in colour. The return address is “Strong Products for Men” with an address in Apple Hill, Ontario. The mailing comes from Canada Postage – a prepaid envelop of sorts.
The cover address states “O Lincoln” with my house number etc.
There is no “O Lincoln” living here and never has been.
I slit the envelop open and was greeted with a colour photo of a young staring blankly at me. His shirt is undone and pulled behind his back. His blue jeans are unzipped and opened. Real stupid! Why my address?!?
Sorry… I didn’t scan this one for you to see… you imagination is likely enough. I get in trouble for using the word “Fat” and writing about “Fat People” in the Mall!!!
Below this photo is a promise and more descriptive wording to get you to go further. “An explosive cocktail that transforms men’s sex lives, whatever their age or medical history!”
Further… “No contraindications or side-effects”
When the rest of the contents are spilled open it was even more stupid!
Now that is way more information than a Minister should be giving out in his Blog.
My wife and I looked at it together. Her mouth dropped open when she hit the second page. Even she was shocked. “THAT WAS WITH THE MAIL???!
On the front of the envelop is a statement, “Sexually Oriented Ad”.
So decided to send this my way?
It probably was for my Mom. She is M. N. Lincoln and I am M.R. Lincoln. That was my first though when I retrieved it from the mail box. Thank goodness I didn’t give it to her with opening it!
In a super charged world of all things SEX and SEXY… it is now arriving with my flyers. It comes right along with the notice of cheaper baloney and riper pears at the store.
The age old fear first is – “What did the Mail Man think when he dropped this off at my house?”
Did any one else get one on the street? Like I want to know… if everyone’s mail box had this hot and heavy add burning up the other mail.
I am seriously thinking of contacting the post office and showing them the mailing. BUT I have to get a man behind the counter. How can I speak with the women that works there?
How can you stop this kind of thing happening again? My mailing address has definitely been gleaned somewhere (or sold by some one).
The hint that other people will send me more is real.
I am curious. I had thought of taking it to church on a Sunday and asking the congregants if they received one like this?
But the Presbyterian Church I spoke at yesterday, doesn’t really know who I am yet… and I don’t want break the relationship we have now built.
In fact who can you ask or tell … without them ridiculing me?
I got it so I must be at fault!?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
How reassuring. We got the same thing and my reaction (as the wife) was quite similar to yours. I too was quite surprised to see this in the mail.