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Today’s Blog Post
Dealing with the Addiction and Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan is out of jail. 13 days after her incarceration she was whisked out of jail at 1:35 AM today(or yesterday)– and the Photographers missed it.
For 13 days she was reportedly kept in solitary confinement – all alone in a cell. I got most of that from a People’s Magazine report.
She was to spend 90 days in the Jail – but in the US and particularly in Orange County – the sheriff has a policy that prisoners can be released for good behavior when the jail is too full.
That policy is definitely a Blogable item! Can you imagine our Conservative Government using that in Canada? Can you imagine what the Liberals would do with it!? Too funny.
Lindsay was whisked into a secure treatment centre that will be very difficult to smuggle more drugs to her. I suppose they watch for that happening in jail too – but she did have a lot of visitors to the jail… and if the same amount of people came to the Drug treatment centre – drugs might come with them.
I believe the court will deal with her fairly. I believe that the treatment centre will be the best for her as well. And taking her from jail to the centre is a great idea.
Lindsay’s story points me to the fact that people that have problems with addictions need help. But it also shows me that many don’t get the treatment that Lindsay will get because of her status and profile as a star.
It will be hard sitting in a group and having to admit that you were addicted. Sitting in jail cell does nothing to help an addict. This next stage might help her.
In another situation that I am listening to… I have encountered an addiction and addictive process. The individuals in this other situation all need help – but will likely run many years before the problem stops them dead. And these people kind of go to church… and kind of are Christians… kind of…
It seems that folk never get help, ask for help or want help until the situation is desperate… and they are so low that there is no place to turn.
My heart breaks for these folk too. Just like Lindsay – they need help.
Very few people will realize their need for help until it is way past the time that they should have had it. Sad but true.
I have found that listening helps. And I guess when you are retired… you can listen better.
I am pulling for Lindsay today as she adjusts to new realities and new life inside her new home. I hope she can hear and stay clean.
The same is true locally.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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