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Today’s Blog Post
Wahooo! Are YOU ready for change?
Anticipation is a good word to describe what takes place next for a new minister coming to our church.
As I wrote yesterday(with my tongue in my cheek), I pointed to a fact that there may be many questions as to who and what the “new guy” – the “new Pastor” will be like as he comes to a new church.
In most cases, in modern church work, we as the congregation wait to see what he will do for us. How will he react to us and how will he relate to us? I know that is my question today for my wife and myself… as ordinary folk in the pew.
Having been a pastor myself I know a little of what is being felt and thought on the pastor’s part. He has only met a few folk up to this point. The weekend that he was exposed to the congregation he shook hands with many, smiled a lot and tried to make himself available.
The poor guy is being sized up by what the folk know to date. His wife and kids are what they can use as a measuring stick. His preaching is another… and the way that he seems to be to them when they look at him closely.
Little did Pastor Scott Couper know what is actually thought of him.
Little did the congregants know of what the Pastor and his wife thought of them either.
I mentioned it was 12 years ago that Alida and I came to the same church. In a flurry of a weekend we said yes to “the call”, signed for our house that we bought, and sold our house in the last place in two days.
Alida loves to make notes to help her remember what she saw and who she met.
The congregation was larger than the one that we were moving from. They gave Alida a Telephone directory and beside each name she wrote things about the people that she had met – to help her remember… and this part was really funny!
‘Jane’ – sat beside the bald man… had a gap between her teeth… ‘Charles’ was with ‘Betty’ the lady with the bright red dress on with that broach… ‘Andy’ was the very tall man… his wife(no name) is shorter and wore the blue dress…
The directory was almost half done before we left the city to head back out west to Regina.
The congregation knows each other well. The Pastor and family do not know the folk. For the better part of a year he will immerse himself in meeting the folk.
Without a doubt there will be comparisons. That part I wince at… as I will likely be one that the poor dude will be compared to… Sorry Scott… if you are reading this some day… it has already happened.
I met a man in the local Mall and he declared that our church will have to get a new carpet on the platform before the year is up… as the new pastor does not stand still to preach… “I think he moved all the time that he was up there… back and forth… back and forth…!”
I stood still as I started out preaching at the church with a stationary microphone… no money to buy a fancy thingie that attaches to the head of the moving pastor… and they were taping the preaching(for the record in case I said or did something too weird – the guy before me had made some radical statements and they needed proof… NOTE Comparisons).
So I stood still. Pastor Scott is a mover. Praise the Lord!
Now that will indicate that the congregation will likely be required to move too… in other words do something… get out there and Move It… Move It…!!!!
Now many are on walkers at this time… so they will shuffle… not move it… move it… But there is hope.
About four years ago I had a powerful vision of what was going to happen. It energized my life and ministry. It gave me hope. Something great was about to happen I was told clearly.
In 2008 the door of our ministry at the church closed with the early retirement. It was confusing to have the passionate feelings within… the knowledge that something great was about to happen… and yet have to leave the active role of leadership. I did a lot of questioning as to what the vision meant and if it was real… as it had been so powerful at that time.
“Dear Folk” at that time had been acting out some rather poor attitudes… I was in a dither of how I should deal with it all… and that was when God spoke so clearly… of what was about to happen.
The “dear folk” left the church. Kerwhammy! That was not what I thought should happen. Kerbump… the finances dropped! That definitely was not what I thought was part of the vision!!
We left the pastorate… and the leadership role. A new Pastor was called and lasted one year… and Kerbam… he was gonzo for personal reasons… THAT DEFINITELY WAS NOT WHAT THE VISION FELT LIKE!
But looking now at the whole situation it is amazing… the VISION is now alive more than ever. Bad attitudes and even sin that was hidden has been removed… finances dropped making us rely on God more than ever before… and not people with money.
When the Kerwhammy… Kerbump… Kerbam… happened a Millionaire that had been attending the church walked out in disgust. He had been supporting and looking on carefully – and critically… and what he saw turned him off totally. And he went KerZOOM out the door.
When he started to attend... it appeared that he could have easily paid off the entire debt of the church in one fell swoop. He had already bailed out other situations financially and had paid way more than we owed… with one check!
I had thought that he was the answer… how silly.
By the way… he will never read this in case you are concerned… he hates computers and never turns them on because he never learned how!!!
When I ‘retired’ that day he walked from the church. He met me later to explain his feelings. I listened and could do nothing. He questioned me about my VISION!!! I couldn’t answer.
Today it is real… and the VISISON is brighter than it has ever been. Something is about to happen that will blow our minds! I just know it!
Am I excited about Pastor Scotty Couper coming… you betcha! He will do what he does best… and likely wrinkle a few feelings along the way!
Wahooo! Are YOU ready for change?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Pastor Scott and Wendy
Change - everyone's favorite word when they go to church. favorite word for everyone else that is. :)
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