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Today’s Blog Post
Pray for Leaders Today – almost 2 Years of Quiet Ministry
For two years now I have been doing something that I haven’t told enough people about. I have tried to tell folk about it – even shout it from the roof tops… but not a whole lot of my friends are listening yet… or better yet hearing what I am saying about this.
It is a kind of “special project” that I do on the side. It is “special” because everything that I do each day is revolving around this special something in my life.
And today I have further proof that this special project is working. The graph and stats tells me that it is working. See below…this past month July 29 to August 29, 2010
Each morning I pray for one of my Ontario Provincial Government elected leaders and their staff members. And each morning, before I do anything else, I post that person’s name and photo on a Blog for my friends and supporters to read (and pray along with me).
In a Minister’s world, it is what I do now. In the church world that I once was involved so heavily with – they see it as something that I do. It is their way of seeing me now. I have a “box” that I can be fit into as a retired minister.
When I introduce myself to other “church people” I will tell them of my “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy” ministry. It helps them to see or know better about what I am… or do… or… kind of.
Some have joked that the Government certainly needs someone like me to pray for them – after all that they are doing now…and the way that they are doing it… “Ha Ha Ha…!” and they laugh on never really taking it too seriously. They don’t realize that what I have tried to explain to them is a very serious matter and something that I REALLY DO TAKE TO HEART and THAT I REALLY DO EACH DAY!
The general tone and feeling that a group of people I explain this to is… one of humor. Sadly this reaction is too often happening within the church as well as in the community. The feeling is that this “ministry” is kind of a joke to some folk… or worse yet not too important.. nearly kills me at times!
You would think that our churches out there would rush to come on side… but that doesn’t happen. Other than a few Ministers that have said they are supportive… and will tell others about this… there have been few.
I really don’t think that they do know… or in some cases actually listen to what I have explained to them. They already get so many calls from people that have great causes or ministries… that they can’t hear above the appeals that come daily… that is like a roar.
But my reward has been from the ones that I pray for. The people that I minister to make the difference.
Whether it be at the Queen’s Park (our Government Building in Ontario) or in the MPP’s office, by email – or by telephone... the thankfulness is amazing.
In our local hospital I also do the “On Call Chaplaincy” ministry. I do not go unless I am called. But when I am called the family is so thankful when I arrive and offer them encouragement. It is the same with the MPPs and their staff… they are so thankful. Knowing that someone has prayed for them in tough times, and will not broadcast it all over after what has happened, means a lot.
That perhaps is the key to the quiet success… I pray and have not broadcast what I pray about.
The Stats today show that 7,739 folk have come to visit this Blog(in 18 months time - 581 posts/prayers). The average length of the visit is 3:58 minutes (a good prayer)… and 13,666 pages have been read as of this hour.
If you are reading about “Pray for Leaders Today” for the first time… would you drop by for a visit too. I would love to have you come along.
Folk from the USA and other parts of Canada have contacted me to tell me that they are now beginning a similar ministry to their local leaders in their State or Province. In fact contact was also made from outside of Canada and in far away places that are now doing a similar ministry for their leaders.
Today I am thankful for all that has happened in this area. Stuff is happening that I never even knew about. It is amazing!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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