Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lindsay Lohan and Jack Riddell

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Today’s Blog Post
Lindsay Lohan and Jack Riddell

Jack was watching TV this time last week. In fact he was watching TV right up until Wednesday Morning July 7. He was also sitting in the back yard listening to his beloved birds singing. At his age he loved to take in all that is around him. He loved life to the fullest.

Jack was a “Shriner” and acted as a Clown, dressed in RED, in his part to brighten the world around him. He was specially burdened by the kids in the hospital. From his own time and out of his own money he traveled hundreds of miles to visit hospitals and to entertain kids while they were facing huge battles.

His wife told me that he was very passionate about the Burn Unit in the hospital. He would do anything to make sure that these folk working there and also in the hospital as patients would be looked after. He gave his best to help them.

I have to admit that I didn’t really know Jack the way his wife did. They had been married for only 5 years… but they were really good years. As she looked at him tenderly holding his hand she said, “Jack is 80 now and I am 79…”

After I prayed for Jack, he died last evening. His body was shutting down. The heart could not cope any longer with life. His lungs were full of fluid and it was over.

Imagine – unselfish, living life to the fullest right up to Wednesday, then he felt funny, decided to go to the hospital, and then died on the third day.

Again… Jack taught me and reminded me that Life is frail. You can not take anything for granted. Each of us may not have more than 72 hours left to live.

I am never the same after standing by the bed of a man that is about to die… within the next hour. You look at things differently after that – EVERYTIME IT HAPPENS! I can honestly say that I have watched death come HUNDREDS OF TIMES. I have lost count now.

On Wednesday Lindsay fired her lawyer that had stood with her through the trial. Her lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, was listening very closely to what the Trail Judges verdict was as she read it out… 90 days in jail… and 90 days in rehab because of her drug and addiction problems….

Lindsay began immediately to protest, cry, whine, wail, protest again, tweet, and protest again – that is was not fare – not fare at all! NO one should do this to me… I am Lindsay… and nothing like this should happen to Lindsay… I am a movie star… I am popular… I have done wonderful things for the world… making them laugh and cry and change their ways of thinking… THEY CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! I AM LINDSAY LOHAN… and Lindsay Lohan does not go to jail or rehab… (I have no idea if she said these words actually… but her actions and what has been reported suggest that she said something close to it.)

In one of her reported Tweets the following word were offered by Kat Angus, a reporter in Dose, Ca… Quote…
"It is clearly stated in the Article 5 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights that 'No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,'" Lohan wrote after her sentence was announced. "This was taken from an article by Erik Luna. 'November 1 marked the 15th anniversary of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines. But there were no celebrations, parades, or other festivities in honor of this punishment scheme created by Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Instead, the day passed like most others during the last 15 years: Scores of federal defendants sentenced under a constitutionally perverted system that saps moral judgment through its mechanical rules.' " End quote.

That was Lindsay speaking via her Cell Phone Tweeting – to her world and anyone that will listen.

You will recall that I wrote about Lindsay a few days ago and promised her that I am praying for her. That is what I do – pray for people. I have been praying for people for over 37 years now – I am a “professional prayer” if you will…

I also pointed to Lindsay’s life and upbringing… her parents in particular… and their selfish ways... producing one very hurt young lady.

Now bring them together… Jack and Lindsay…
Jack watched Lindsay’s predicament on TV. He saw the reports of her conviction. 80 year old men do that. They keep up on life and things that are happening. I am not sure what he thought of it all. You can never tell what 80 year old men really think. And Jack… well he loved people and did all he could for them. I am guessing but he likely felt a bit like a Grandpa when he saw this poor young thing crying and caring on in the court.

Leah Collins and reporter with Canwest News Service states… Quote
“Lindsay Lohan may have had birthday party plans Wednesday night, but following her sentencing to 90 days in the pokey, Lohan was apparently in no mood. People reports Lohan was a no-show at her own 24th birthday party, and, like most people not out on a Wednesday night, she was apparently wasting time online, tweeting a flurry of messages — including some commentary on why she happened to be telling the world to "F" off with her manicure.

Lohan was sporting some explicit nail art in the courtroom Tuesday. Yes, she had "f--- U" written on her fingernail, but as Lohan tweeted, it wasn't a message for anyone in the courtroom, least of all the judge.

In a Twitter reply to one of her friends, Lohan wrote: "didn't we do our nails as a joke with our friend dc? It had nothing to do w/court. it's an airbrush design from a stencil xx." End quote…

That was the same day that Jack went to the hospital for the last time.

We live in a confusing world for Teenagers and Kids. We see that adults can do just about anything and get away with it. We see adults DRIVING DRUNK and then they think that they can do it too. Lindsay is going to jail because of her DUI!

We see adults saying and doing weird stuff. They figure that they can kill some one on the way home and the world will just have to deal with it… it is not their fault. God will forgive them… cause that is what God does best… if I pray… and tell him I am sorry for making real bad choices… saying really stupid things… painted my finger nails with a real good “F--- U”… I can ask God later to forgive me! And he will!

To this I say BULL ****!!!!! Oh Yes… God forgives… but he requires a repentance – stating that I will not do that again… you know… just a little sorrow goes a long way.

God called His Own People, a Stiff Necked People and then brought some real bad stuff their way… Tell me… How has God changed?

I am recovering from Jack’s death last evening. As I stood by his bed looking at the body that was breaking down one cell at a time… hands and arms dark blue… breath coming with long pauses in between… then an almost violent gasp as the lungs tried desperately to take one more clutch of oxygen…through the fluid building up… I could do nothing to help him. I wish that I could have. He deserved one more year. He was worth another 10.

I am recovering from “Lindsay Lohans” of this world as well. They demand. They want it their way. They can do any darn old thing that they like to do… and well… they deserve it.

I am recovering today… I need prayer… much more than they do!

Does anyone know a good joke!? I am going to laugh today… but I am still “On Call” for the Hospital… and may go back for someone else… Oh boy!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

Read more:
Read more:
Other news about Lindsay…

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