Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lindsay Lohan… I am praying for you.

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Today’s Blog Post
Lindsay Lohan… I am praying for you.
It is perhaps the saddest thing I have witnessed for a long time. The fall of someone that had the world by the tail and now has virtually lost it all. What is the matter with her thinking?

Can you imagine it? Someone that has everything that the rest of the world only dreams about, makes some really stupid decisions and then it all falls apart. How tragic can that be?

Though there may be people like this in your life already that are making some really bad choices, I am referring to a kind of role model for many. But maybe with this thought in mind – role models making bad decisions also deeply affect those that look on.

I am looking closely at Lindsay Lohan today. Over the past few days as her court case has run its course and then the final judgement came down yesterday I couldn’t help but think how sad it was that this has taken place.

A beautiful young lady has had her life destroyed in front of the whole world. As it has been taking place thousands of her fans have looked on and sympathized with her. These fans see her as an idol – some one to look up to and even imitate.

I wonder how many young gals will take similar steps that Lindsay has and destroy their lives as well.

I am a Lindsay Lohan fan.

My wife and I watched one of her early movies not long ago entitled “Parent Trap’. It was a cute story where two girls that looked alike arrived at a Summer Camp at the same time. Undoubtedly they were twins but how could it be? One was from Britain and the other from California?

The story was so simple and very cute. Their Dad and Mom had separated after they had their set of twins. Mom took one to Britain and Dad kept on the USA. Kind of like having a pet dog. Neither girl knew her history or that they had a twin sister.

They switched places and got Mom and Dad back together again. Nice story.

Then we watched Lindsay in “Herbie Fully Loaded”. A story of Herbie, the Human like Volkswagon, that was Lindsay’s best friend.

Then we saw her in “Mean Girls”. A story that was so much like Missionary Kids/Third Culture Kids(TCKs) coming back to the Western World and their re-entry stress at school. In fact I recommended it to some of the MKs that I knew.

Now Lindsay has fallen and the whole world watched.

The video of her crest fallen and totally destroyed appearance as she heard that she would be going to jail for 90 days was hard to look at. Her acting world and wonderful life was now shaken to its roots as she faces basically 180 days of clean up – 90 days in jail and 90 days in a drug rehab facility.

It seems that Lindsay has been taken some powerful drugs along with other stuff and it affected her driving. She was charged with a number of DUI.

Here drug usage includes, Quote…(words spoken in court by Officers)
“Lohan said she takes Trazadone for depression, Zoloft to get to sleep, Adderall to wake back up, Dilaudid for dental pain - even Nexium for heartburn, the report stated.

"The defendant indicates she has been on the same prescription medication for as long as she can remember," the officer wrote.

Lohan tested positive for drugs and alcohol on May 27.

Amphetamines and opiates were found in her system, but it wasn't considered a probation violation because she has prescriptions.”
End quote

Remember she is 24 years old.

This ‘drug soup’ that she takes is horrible! How can any one that basically has it all need that crap?

From Wikipedia I quote…
Lohan was born on July 2, 1986, in New York City and grew up in Merrick and Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island, New York. She is the eldest child of Donata "Dina" (née Sullivan) and Michael Lohan.  Lindsay has three younger siblings, all of whom have been models or actors: Michael Jr. (who appeared with Lindsay in The Parent Trap), Aliana ("Ali"), and Dakota ("Cody"), the youngest Lohan child. Lohan is of Irish and Italian heritage and was raised as a Catholic. Her maternal family were "well known Irish Catholic stalwarts" and her great-grandfather, John L. Sullivan, was a co-founder of the Pro-life Party in Long Island. Lohan attended Cold Spring Harbor High School, where she did well in science and mathematics until grade 11 when she started homeschooling.

Lohan's parents have a turbulent history. They married in 1985, separated when she was three, and later reunited. They separated again in 2005 and finalized their divorce in 2007. Her father, Michael, is a former Wall Street trader and businessman who inherited his father's pasta business and has been in trouble with the law on several occasions, while her mother, Dina, is a former singer and dancer.
End quote…

Did you catch that? Lindsay’s Mommy and Daddy messed it up when she was three!

Today people are looking at the sad and broken Lindsay Lohan that did well in her school work, then suffered the misfortunes of being the daughter of idiot parents. Now today her life is basically over – unless she can get a hold of some reality and change radically!

Some one not long ago became very angry with me for suggesting that their marital problems would have a deep affect on their children. I suggested that because of watching kids and families for 35 years of ministry… that kids will be the ones that suffer the deepest for their parents indiscretion. When parents insist on their own way in matrimonial things, dissolving marriage and changing partners, dropping faithfulness for lust, and basically in the more modern way – “Find themselves” – THEIR KIDS WILL SUFFER GREATLY!

In fact based on what I have seen for 35 years – these kids with great potential will almost always lose it.

I cannot tell you how many sad stories I have witnessed when Mom takes off on Dad… or Dad goes out to find a younger more vibrant Chick to sleep with because the old bag at home is simply not meeting his needs!

Selfishness – plain and simple.

Don’t tell me you want you best for your kids when your actions declare that all you want is the “best” for yourself! That is plain and simple C-R-A-P!... Bull CRAP!

Lindsay Lohan’s life story screams at every parent – GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!

Sadly I can show many more stories of adults today that suffered parental breakdowns and break-ups – that just couldn’t make it. They are brilliant and they are potentially some of the greatest minds ever… but the family mess simply destroyed all their possibility and crushed their potential.

I know some folks right now that are acting out in ways that blow my mind… and their kids are going to suffer… way more than they personally are. And – yep – the operative word is selfishness on the part of parents.

The kids are already facing huge issues and no one can see it… because all that matters is what parents want. How stupid can things get!!!?

Wake up and look at Lindsay Lohan!

Now I need to settle down on this potentially hot day. Sorry! If someone doesn’t say something – no one will ever consider the potential danger.

I may not change the thinking of the present generation of selfish parents… but maybe I will be able to help someone that is in need of “finding” themselves in a new life.

Wake up you idiot… you mothered your kids… you fathered your kids… now act like an adult for pity sake! Take a look at your kids life… is it worth getting your jollies with some one new… and then lose the lives of the kids that you love?

You may not think it matters. But I do. And so does GOD. And if you think that GOD will allow you to proceed down your stupid selfish way… watch out… cause it is going to get real dangerous… real soon!

Threat? Nope! Just based on what I have already witnessed many, many times over!

Lindsay Lohan, whether you read this or not… I care for you. I am sorry that you have to face some tough stuff now… but later on you will get back on track… I hope. In fact I really hope for you!

Lindsay… I am praying for you.

~ Murray Lincoln ~



  1. Murray......although I agree in principle with your comments regarding Lindsay Lohan and her parents I do sense a degree of self righteousness in your tone. You were best man at my wedding......your daughters were flower know who I am. T. & I have been separated now for 5 years after living in an empty marriage for longer than I care to admit. Have my kids suffered because of it? Yes. Have I suffered from it? Yes. Did I intend to have a broken family? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Parents need help too and I don't recall any premarital counsel being available prior to walking down the aisle and making vows that I had no intention of breaking. However, I underestimated my vulnerability when things got tough. I also underestimated my level of immaturity and lack of self understanding and self esteem at the time of getting married. I made some wrong moves for which I am sorry but I don't need somebody to pile more guilt on the guilt that is with me daily. Marriage break ups aren't always as simple and selfish as they might appear. I hate having a broken marriage but I also hated the way things were. I can't speak for Lindsay's parents but I do ask for some compassion on those who haven't managed to keep things together and who have been less than perfect. If I could go back and change things I would........but the question is how far back would I go? For those in the church I think it is fair to say that some responsibility lies with the leadership for allowing some disasters to happen without trying to prevent them in the first place.

  2. I am careful how I respond to "Anonymous'... because I do know who you are (It took a few minutes - but I remembered - Hi - good to hear from you personally - even through this mode)

    I had no idea that there was any problems or what had happened to you folks. Sorry about that... too many moves on my part and too much life went under the bridge.

    I see and hear your pain. I feel deeply for what I have heard.

    Selfrighteous - never intended - but maybe Angry because I see more stupid situations taking place close to where I am now. I can do nothing about the past ones that made choices - but maybe I can SCREAM LOUD ENOUGH the present will hear what I have been prompted to say.

    In 2010 the top reasons that rise up to break most marriages are very plain 1.)Money - not enough of it, too much debt and we WANT IT ALL NOW! 2.)Self (lack of it or a need to discover it) - either he needs something better or needs to "find" himself - and the same is for her. Sadly some try to find that in Sex with others. YEP - SELF RIGHTEOUS on that one - THAT IS STUPID. 3.)Role Modeling Breakdown - No idea what a Role Model is and how powerful we are in front of the ones that we love. All that really matters is Self.

    In the past - marriage counseling? doubtful - you are likely right on that count. BUT today - yes I offer Marriage Counseling but no one listens. A Busy Bride and a Horny Groom can't hear what is being said. Sadly they know it all. And the ones that I try to help - condemn my stupid old fashioned ideas of what the Bible says about Money, Self and Role Modeling. All that matters is a BIG EXPENSIVE WEDDING and a GOOD HONEYMOON - with GOOD SEX FOREVER.

    Yep - selfrighteous on that one too.... sorry! Big Weddings paid for after the second child arrives is too expensive! Good Honeymoons - are fun - but Good Sex Forever... is a Holywood Fairytale.

    Yes you can call me anytime... the name is the same... and the Blog has my Telephone Number.
