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Today’s Blog Post
I want you to know – I AM NOT GOD!
Meet two different ideas of Christianity. Both are women that believe in what they are doing as the right thing to do. But they are miles apart in their thinking.
Both are “Christian” in the way that the word is used. Both believe in God the way that Christians do. But you need to form your own idea of what that words means to each.
I will call them Mrs. ?? and Mrs. ????
Mrs. ?? lives in North Korea. She did something really stupid. She shared with some one… that at one moment in her life she prayed and asked God for help. She told the other person that she had become a Christian. She was arrested and is in prison – and will be there for the next 15 years.
Imagine 15 years for doing something so stupid! Sharing your faith – how stupid can that be!?!? Mrs. ?? needs her head read. She has lost it all for a stupid decision that perhaps was done in a split second… feeling an urge to help some one with their difficult life… she shared her faith.
On the other hand…
Mrs. ???? lives in Canada. She was – or should I say “still” married. She is in a massive struggle to “find herself”. She believes she is one of the better Christians in that she can talk about God openly, pray really good prayers, write about God openly – as if she knows Him intimately.
She has children and a husband. She basically has it all… BUT… and there is a BIG BUT… she needs to find herself desperately…!!!
So what did she do? She did something that makes perfect sense… she found herself another man to stimulate her… help her find herself… you know – get in touch with God better.
The really funny part is that Mrs. ???? and this new man in her life have prayed about this new developing relationship and have got the Green Light from God Himself – go ahead in this new relationship.
She is willing to walk away from everything… but demanding the rights she has as a person and a woman… a Christian Woman at that… in order to find herself.
How silly of the whole world not to know that she is right… and has that right to have a happy life!!!
Now you be the judge. Which one is Christian – you know – the way that the word is really used to have real meaning? Which way would you call it?
Let’s do a little play acting… you be God for about 30 minutes… listen to the stories of both Mrs. ?? and Mrs. ???? Now make a decision about what should be done.
Tough one eh?
And people get down on God for not doing stuff the way they want it done.
YES – Mrs. ?? is real. My friend that is trying to help her just sent an email today.
YEP – and Mrs. ???? is real too. She hasn’t found herself yet. Still looking and trying desperately to convince God, her real husband and her kids that the “new way” is God’s way.
Her “new man” is all for it. Yippee – adultery under a Christian Umbrella – I mean how good can it get!!!?
I am glad that I am not God. I am glad that God is the only one that can be God!
If I was God… I might just do something really silly like tell the whole world how silly some people are.
Imagine – sharing your faith with someone – even though you know you could lose everything! How silly… how very silly!
Imagine – losing yourself, and not able to find yourself… how silly… how very silly!
I want you to know – I AM NOT GOD!
Thank God for that!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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