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Today’s Blog Post
Up date on Katie Journey– June 19th Communication
Evelyn Wilson - June 19, 2010 at 8:19am
Subject: update june 19
good morning everyone.. if you are in the Trenton area, there is a yard sale/silent auction at 117 dufferin, wow they have lots of great stuff- thanks to all who have donated to that :)
please pray for katie today- she has not been able to keep anything down since last night. she has done a lot of sleeping since Thursday ( which the doctor said would happen) so she is getting a good sleep most of the time. also pray that she does not get a fever , if she does we must take it to the ER immediately.
despite how she is feeling she still has a wonderful attitude and is really postivie .. it is because of your prayers, comments, gifts and vists that have been so very helpful.
I stopped by the Puffer house ( where they are holding the yard sale) and three of Katie's friends were there who have shaved their head in support of Katie. Girls you are BEAUTIFUL! thank you
I had a chance last night to attend part of the Scott Reid Memorial Golf and auction last night in our area. Scott was a fabulous guy and bball player who lost his battle with cancer a number of years ago. They raise money to help families whose members have been diagnosed with cancer. It was a great evening ( thanks Tara and family) to see how one family is paying it forward. you can check out their web site ( cant remember it but google the Scott Reid foundation and you will see what they do and who Scott was) . It was a fun evening for me to "get out"
once again thanks to everyone who has contributed dropped off so many different gifts and everything. It is muchly appreciated.
If you wish to visit- please call ahead . we love each and everyone of you and the word Thank you seems so inadequate for everything that has been done for our family. but THANKYOU!!!!
love Katie, Evelyn, Brent, Jacqui and John
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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