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Today’s Blog Post
Buddy Boy and Dog Face at the Summit
Yesterday the Toronto TV Stations were reporting on the fact that a man had been arrested, his dog taken to the pound and his car was fully taken apart – at least its contents were strewn all over the sidewalk beside his car.
Well its seems that he was way too close to the G20 Summit Site in Toronto… and he looked suspicious… at least his vehicle did… and when they started inspecting what was inside – BINGO! All their suspicions were confirmed. This guy’s car was loaded with stuff that could be dangerous!
This is Summit Season in Toronto and Ontario! We are being Summitized and excessively loaded down with almost every cop in Ontario and North America focussing on two sites. One is in Huntsville and the Deerhurst Tourist resort… and the other is downtown Toronto.
The dude in his car, close to the Summit Site in Toronto, I call him ‘Buddy Boy’ was way too suspicious for the on guard coppers. So he was pulled over. The cop has been highly trained and alerted to suspicious looking vehicle and what to do with them.
Now it appears Buddy Boy was perhaps a kind of kook that lives in his car with his dog, Dog Face. But no one is saying anything more. He likely is having to wait until the busy cops that are sweeping the streets for suspicious vehicles and people are through to know what might happen to his dog and vehicle.
Get a grip dear friends… Buddy Boy is from Newfoundland and was heading through Toronto on his way to Fort McMurray to meet his Uncle who has a job waiting for him.
Buddy Boy didn’t know that a rattle trap old car would be looked down upon by a copper on a bicycle. In his home town, the RCMP don’t ride bikes… they drive cars. He was looking for something to eat and with all the road closures he kind of got sucked into a vortex of traffic nightmares and ended up in the wrong place!
Get a grip, Dog Face needs Buddy Boy! Let the poor sucker get on up to Sudbury where the air is fresh and the world is different – more like back home.
Oh sorry… he would have to drive by Huntsville on the way… and those coppers are everywhere along that highway in case Mr. Obama’s motorcade would be passing the old clunker that Buddy Boy was driving.
For Pete’s sake, Mr. Obama has a relative living in Burlington, Ontario! He has driven in Ontario himself… he knows we have lots of Buddy Boys here… with their Dog Face!
I was suppose to drive into Toronto this Sunday. Yikes! My old car looks much worse than Buddy Boys. My one redemption is that I will have a Old Granny in the front seat and another not so old Granny in the back seat. I do carry extra oil for the old car… double yikes!... and some lawn chairs…
Not sure I want to go now… hitting the media buzz might be kind of fun though… Hmmm?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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