Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blessing Valerie

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Today’s Blog Post
Blessing Valerie

Val had come into our lives by way of difficult and sometimes confusing relationship a few years ago. The dude that she had linked up with was a control freak, abusive and not steady. She had already learned huge lesson in an earlier situation – but was again burned.

Val will likely read this and will give her own reflection sometime. But I know she agrees.

We were in Montreal to Bless Valerie and her groom, Glenn. Val and Glenn were getting married on the May 29, 2010 – that was last Saturday.

Their story was very special, how they met, how they grew to know each other and their love for one another. Glenn is gentle and kind. Val is the most giving person I have every met. They seem to be perfect for each other.

That story grew until one day Val asked if I would be able to marry them in Montreal. I was so excited with the invitation.

On the way to this fairly tale wedding for two people deeply in love with each other – a hiccup has come along.

The medical specialists have discovered that Glenn is facing some serious issues with Cancer now. They had put off the potential treatments until the Wedding Ceremony was finished. Treatments will start soon now.

During the Wedding Ceremony that I conducted for them I asked them to say the words with me to each other…

I, Glenn, take you Valerie to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward:
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish for the rest of our lives.
This is my solemn vow.

I, Valerie, take you Glenn to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward:
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish for the rest of our lives.
This is my solemn vow.

I choked up a bit when I heard Val say… her words. Strong and determined to be a faithful wife to her lover, Glenn.

This was perhaps the greatest example of “Real Love” that I have seen for a long time. They were starting with the worst and were not wavering in their resolve – AT ALL.

Much happened at this wedding that I cannot tell you about. It was private and special to say the least… it was a blessing.

My task is not done yet. I went to Montreal to Bless Valerie… now I continue to do so… each day as Glenn and Valerie come to my mind – I bless them!

Today I ask you to do the same. Join me in Blessing Valerie and Glenn in the journey together.

Thank you so much!

~ Murray Lincoln ~
Val and her Dad, Noel Martigny
The "salute" to the Bride - standing under the Pergola that her Dad made for her Wedding
Cutting the cake that Valerie made for their Wedding

The Cream Puff Tree made by her Oldest Brother Thierry. It is called a Piece Monte. This was amazing - and very edible!

Valerie and her Grandson, Eric

1 comment:

  1. Murray, tears are on hand as I read this blessing. You are so very kind in so many ways, both you and Alida.
    This special day would not have been the same with out you. God bless you Murray . Valerie
