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Today’s Blog Post
An Unwilling Participant in this Little Drama
So which is more difficult to handle… my ridiculous posting about wanting to be a Super Model – or what goes on at times with our politicians in Ottawa?
If you are living on the other side of our world and are stepping into to read about the Canadian Circus in Ottawa for the first time, it may be hard to wrap your thoughts around what has taken place with a Government and Ms. Helena Guergis (Ms HG)
Actually I think it is the Conservative Party and Ms HG. But it was about the Liberals and Ms. HG at one point as they railed on the Conservatives to do something about her – but then the Liberal Leader seems to be supporting her – kind of…
Then a Private Eye was pulled into a Parliamentary Committee yesterday that is asking question to see if Ms. HG’s main man Mr. Jaffer did something wrong by using Ms. HG’s office… and that he has some sort of connection with another dude that makes money off other people by something called “serial fraud”.
But the Private Eye knows nothing about anything wrong… he has just watched what the folk did. He followed them, collected info on their whereabouts and then passed on what he witnessed to his employers, a group of people that thought they may have been screwed by Nazim Gilliani. He then reported that he saw Jaffer with Gilliani and some other folk that were not very nice. I think… possibly… don’t quote me on that however… ahem.
Gillani is somehow possibly involved in trying to lobby a politician or two to get a business deal through Mr. Jaffer – I think… maybe. The Liberals got news of this and began the sniffing and pushing and accusing. But to their delight it has turned around and the Prime Minister of Canada looks like a Goon for firing poor little Ms HG.
But poor little Ms. HG had gone ballistic in a PEI Airport a few months ago when some stupid airline security told her to take her boots off. Poor Little Ms HG cussed them all down properly in true Government Leadership style – the kind they use on each other in the House of Parliament. The silly “locals” didn’t take to being swore at by Ms HG. Oh Boy…
The Liberals as I remember it were calling for the head of Ms HG… but now are defending her Poor Little Ms HG image.
I was speaking with another man from my city and he told me that he tried to get in touch with our MP – who is Conservative. He was told that he had to go through another Dude in the MP’s Office – there would be no direct contact with the MP. He was a little miffed – he wanted to talk to the MP alone – not the other Dude.
So with that I assume that my MP is covered by his protective coat as well and suspects Lobbying possibilities as well… or that a Private Eye may be in the next booth to us…. if they talk.
And it was the Private Eye, Derrick Snowdy, that stated he was “An Unwilling Participant in this Little Drama”.
Mr. Snowdy you are not alone.
The quiet and yet loud ones in all of this Drama is the Press and Media. No one would know any of this baloney was going on if it wasn’t for the precious Media that feeds on more and more of the Drama.
So I ask the question again…
“So which is more difficult to handle… my ridiculous posting about wanting to be a Super Model – or what goes on at times with our politicians in Ottawa?”
Many of you know that I am committed to Pray for my MPPs and MPs. In my case I pray specifically for the Ontario Provincial MPPs. And Then when necessary I pray for the Federal MPs in Ottawa. Now do you see why it is so important?
I also pray for the people in the Riding that Ms HG comes from. They believed in her. When all the stuff came out about her husband’s drinking and driving, the possibility that there was Cocaine in his car, the fact that she bad mouthed the people of PEI, then this latest stuff with his possible involvement in a bad/shady business dealing and government lobbying… they stayed with her.
But now they are just not too sure about what is going on.
I listened to the interview with Ms HG and the reporter… and I am not sure about anything.
I need to pray… or pursue my great desire to be a super model. Sheesh!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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