Saturday, May 22, 2010

Slurp… Slurp… Slurp… I have been Pac-Man-ized again

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Today’s Blog Post

Slurp… Slurp… Slurp… I have been Pac-Man-ized again
I am sure that I heard the sound of my Computer and that silly game sucking my mind out. The Brain particles slid up the straw into Pac-Man’s colourful mouth. It all happened to the silly tune and siren sounds as my little yellow Pac-Man was gobbled up by its enemies… then it informed me that I had lost one more time.

I just pulled myself away from the idiot game after 30 minutes of the rising anxiety in my chest and shoulders. That had come along after the first two or three games… just like the old days – 30 years ago.

That was 1980 – the same year that we left for Hong Kong… the gaming capital of the world at that time. The small computer games were everywhere and easy to buy. Nintendo mostly… but there were other ones as well.

I cannot fathom how many trillions of hours this week and this past two days that Pac-Man has again been played.

If you opened your Google Search Engine in your browser you will have seen the miniature Pac-Man game in the logo for Google – in fact this Google Pac-Man that has everyone trying to win.

I am not good at it for sure. But with my little bit of practice I reached over 6000 points before my little guy was eaten. That was into the second level. I clicked out of it and found my back and neck tight. I needed to shrug my shoulders to get the freedom back.

Sheesh this little game is addicting. I knew that and have generally escaped it – but then there I am relapsing again.

What a contrast from the stillness of Lang Pioneer Village of two days ago!

The funny thing is that in the Ontario area, on most Fridays, of any given weekend – hoards of people escape the cities to go to the cottages or trailers. They entered the huge highway system across our province to head out to cottage country.

We live on the edge of cottage country and even the people from our city head out of to their place of refuge.

Watching the news reports last evening and seeing the long line of vehicles three across on most big highways made that rising anxiety feeling come back again. Looking at the other road systems with just single lanes revealed an endless line of slow moving cars going to a place of retreat.

Now something is odd about the picture. Everyone is heading to the same isolated spot in our province to share small spaces around an over crowded lake front. The odd thing is that the stillness of the country is now busier than the city. The quiet roads of our communities are busier than the rush hour traffic of the city.

I think most of the Loons that live on our lakes head to the city so they can hear themselves.

I am sure that Pac-Man was invented by someone that headed to the cottage each weekend. I am absolutely sure of that. By getting people into the small and silly game, producing the anxiety levels achieved when they drive to the country on a busy weekend, then getting them to do it over and over again… they have kept the Friday Afternoon drive alive.

So you are pure, free, holy even… you don’t play anything past the speed of scrabble – right? Good for you.

The sound of Slurping sound is back again. I think that I can break through to the third level… before breakfast…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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