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Today’s Blog Post
Life is 10 Percent what happens to me and 90 Percent what I do
When Jay called me I listened. I am at a loss what I can do to make any difference. I have just heard of the newest account of the Poor House. I have no idea what He will do to survive?
Jay is on ODSP – which is our provinces way of helping people that are unable to help themselves.
We first have “Ontario Works” which is our classy way of saying the person is on Well Fare – no job and dependant on the Government for their income.
The next step is the ODSP which is given to people that because of a physical disability and not being able to work – the Government supports them with a month stipend. This stipend or allowance should be enough to live on – according to the Government.
Jay gets $1200 a month.
From his $1200 a month he pays his rent in a Senior’s Home. That takes $900. If he was living in the community he would pay about $550 – which I think is what the Gov Folk allow. But it doesn’t change being in a Senior’s home… he just pays the amount that they set and tries to live on the rest.
The fact is that the Senior’s Home is charging according to his income. Because, as the income is less – he pays less. They are then subsidized by another account in the Gov that “helps” with Jay’s costs.
Of the $1200 per month subtracting the $900 he has $300 left.
Jay is a severe diabetic. With his conditioning progressively worsening he is now blind. This was added to the condition that he has had for long while, when he lays down his blood pressure is at a normal level, when he sits up it drops to one half, when he stands up it goes to one quarter of the norm.
Now add one more thing to the mix, he is now on Dialysis for his failing kidneys. That happens between three to two days a week.
Telling you all that I also need to share that he is on a number of pills for all that his body is going through – and he pays for those pills out of his $1200 a month.
There is no insurance to cover the costs.
Yes he lives in a Senior’s Home now – but he is not a Senior Citizen. If he was his meds in Ontario would be paid for after he pays the first $200 each year.
Jay is 28 years old.
The Meds each month are now running just under $300.
If he buys anything at all, he will have to pay out of nothing… which he has paid out of two stupid credit cards – that he was offered FREE. Imagine – they gave it to him for nothing.
Jay needed to participate in Christmas a few years ago and he charged the stuff to his Credit Card which had a $1000 limit. For two years he has not been able to pay the card off… and the Interest has now driven it up to $1200.
Jay has been selling his “toys” that he bought in the past… things like a TV… that he listened to but can’t see… a few other electronic things… etc.
He called last night to see if he could find a buyer for a high end desk top computer that cost a fortune when it was bought for him… but is worth nothing today as computer prices drop. The only person that it is worth something to is another blind person that needs a computer to read for him or her… but then they already have one of these as the Gov provides it for them – just like Jay.
And if Jay sells it – they will frown on him doing that and won’t allow him to get another one when up grades come along.
Jay now has a girl friend that he has never seen. Being blind you can’t see. She is nice and kind hearted. She is also on ODSP. Her funds are low as well. They are together quite a few times a week… the relationship is growing. Her needs are as great as his and her funds are locked in as well.
Do you see where this is possibly going? Jay may call and ask for me to marry them… or he may just leave his hard fought for place in the Senior’s Home where he gets good and safe care… and move in with his New Squeeze.
Jay’s big problem is that he loves to buy stuff. I wonder if the New Squeeze knows this?
I don’t doubt that they “love each other” or will soon start saying that… I am just doubtful about some stuff and I told him so.
This New Squeeze is the second Squeeze that has worked her way into this very vulnerable guy’s life. The last one found out that he was too hard to look after – after she had the apartment lined up for them to live in.
Life is 10 Percent what happens to me and 90 Percent what I do.
Jay has had a lot happen to him – but that is only 10% of his life. The other 90% has taken place with a mixture of drive and bad decisions. And now he faces the next level with a New Squeeze and no cash.
I listen and wonder, I tell him the way I see it all happening and how it is not good for him. There will be no increase in his funding… and if he leaves where he is at his health could be at great risk – the way it was the last time that he made a different “bad decision”.
How can I help him? The answer is simple – I cannot. I can pray for him – but that seems so utterly silly to even suggest that. So I listen.
Sheesh this feels so much like the old days of when I was a Pastor.
So what would you suggest? Now that you know the rest of the story… how would you deal with it.
I am off to the gym… I so need this today. La La La La La Laaaaaa!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
Is he tied in with the Trillium Foundation??--I would assume he might be--they help low income folk with presc. costs---any Pharmacist can give him the papers-& you can help him fill them out???
ReplyDeleteI think that they have tried all of that already - but we will chekc together...