Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Letting go of the Bad Past

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Today’s Blog Post

Letting go of the Bad Past
As I read the words I stopped to think… I could read no further…
“Every second you dwell on the past you steal from your future.”

There have been many times that I “self paralyse” by remaining with that silly thought of how that man hurt me. He was an idiot and did idiot things to me. It hurt deeply when he did it – but it is all gone now. It was years ago that it happened… but every once in a while something will trigger those stupid thoughts… and bingo I re-inject my old pain… and paralyse myself.

The actual things he did to me caused me to make decisions that turned the course of my life. I went a totally different direction. In fact the direction was so radically different that if I had not made it I would never have arrived at this point today, my daughters would have never met the guys that they did – and there would be a whole different possibility for my family – maybe no grandkids…

That is dangerous thinking… because it is then required in every past decision… using “what if”. And “what if” gets me no where except back here… which will not change.

Now should I chose to dwell on that old mess and stay there… I can never move ahead to what is about to happen.

Unfortunately I have stolen much from my future by dwelling on what that idiot did that fateful day. The guy just was so ignorant and did so much damage… grrrr! Oops there it comes again…. Going back and over and over it again and again.

Now I stop and think… the man died. He was placed in a coffin and is very much not coming back again. He can never hurt anyone again.

As I have thought this through I can now bury my old thoughts right along with him. In fact mentally I have gone back and opened his grave and dumped his “old stuff” in with him. Sorry about that image being not so great.

The paragraph I was reading went on to say…
“Every minute you spend focusing on your problems you take away from finding your solutions.”

This is too true.

The problems make my head hurt at times. It happens when they do this circle thing in my brain.

One time I attended a Country Fair and stood watching the Motorcycle Daredevils race their bikes around inside a steel cage. The cage was a huge ball that was made of steel mesh… making it possible for the bikes to go around and around – faster and faster until they could go upside down in rapid, dizzy loops.

My thoughts about my problems are just like the motorcycles… roaring around and making lots of noise but going no where. Each one was noisy and dangerous.

This is a new day. I have new opportunities and that will present themselves today only. I need to deal with them now then move ahead into a great possibility.

This is going to be a wonderful day. This will be the Best May 5th – EVER!

I hope you have one too.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

1 comment:

  1. Good Thoughts. I have a few situations I should "bury" too--that's a Great Image!!

    What were you reading??
