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Today’s Blog Post
Tiger – Tiger – Tiger – and Golf – I am sick of it!
I don’t know about you but Tiger Woods has just about got enough of my life and my ‘mind time’. For this past week almost every news report has been filled with ‘Tiger Woods Reports’ and his coming back to the game of golf again.
For a few months now the media has followed the guy and the antics that happened at his home, out front of his home, at hospitals and rehab centers. What a CIRCUS!
Please note: If the Media had never reported on this – you would have known none of it. It is a Media Circus that would die an immediate death if people had not been so caught up in every word that is penned or spoken.
At our Dinner Time last evening my mom commented on the fact that Tiger Woods’ first golf game will be broadcast on Sunday afternoon at 3 PM. I turned and looked at her kind of weird. My mom is 89 years old. She has never played one round of golf in her life. She has seen it on TV but I doubt that she really knows what is happening – not because of her age – but just because she has never played the game.
Yet Mom knows Tiger Woods… mainly because of the Media and it endless reporting – over and over and over and over and over…(is that enough overs yet?)
In an ONE MORE article today Siri Agrell wrote a column in the Globe and Mail entitled, “Is Tiger’s sex scandal driving women away from the sport?”
I doubt that it will personally. If they golf – they will golf. If they don’t they won’t. Pretty simple in my mind.
The ladies and men may be driven away from Golf just by the TV and the Media reporting about whatever Tiger does with his Penis. Yep, that is what they keep trying to get me to remember is what Tiger has done with his Penis.
Oh you say… it is not about his Penis!!? But it is about his actions and the way that he cheated on his wife. Isn’t that the same thing?
Thinking people have seen through the whole schmozle already. And what they are doing in and about Tiger and his predicament is so stupid there are no words for it.
First – the one thing they missed was the fact that he is still doing bad boy things. He is checking his text messages on the Golf course that does not allow such contraptions to be used. Which kind of looks like he is addicted to another thing in his life… or – come to think of it – wasn’t the Cell Phone and messages and all that stuff what got him into problems in the first place?
Second – have any of the rest of the players that are on this Masters Golf course ever messed around with another lady in their lives? How about any of the Reporters? How about any one of the loyal observers that walk the Golf course watching Tiger play – have any of them messed up? Now that I have asked it – I just bet that you have had men in you mind all along… right? But what about the women?
Do you see the problem yet and how stupid this really is?
Media has immortalized super players in Golf, in Hockey, in Baseball, in Football and the rest of big sports. They have super sized the players just because of their ability. When the ability is gone so is the God like status.
Did you notice that the whole world doesn’t tip over is someone in Curling or Ice Skating or Synchronized Swimming has an affair?
And actually it is only some sports that adultery is not tolerated – not all sports. And it is only some players that are not allowed to do this. It is never any Media Personalities that are in the lime light for the very same thing????
We live in a whacko world to say the least that is driven by whatever the Media wishes us to think… to the point that it will insist that my Mother at 89 years of age be aware of where and what Tiger has done with his Penis!
And some of you are flipping out because a Minister uses the word Penis in this posting. Well what part of the body is primarily used in adultery? You don’t like it? Well then stop letting the Media influence the way that you think and the programs that you watch!!!!
By using the words, indiscretion, moral failure, adultery, an affair… and even sex scandal…. do we not kind of romanticize it all? That is stupid.
Every time you buy a stupid gossip magazine, watch a lust filled/romantic afternoon soap opera, indulge in a Tiger Woods kind of story… you are thinking of one thing.
I know for one thing that it isn’t good for my thinker… or my own life. I ask the question, “Why do I need to hear about that CRAP?” There – I said the word CRAP too!
To say that I am frustrated with what is happening is not nearly strong enough.
In Siri Agrell’s article states the following…
Martha Burk, who gained infamy in the staid world of golf in 2002 when she protested against Augusta National’s exclusion of female members, said it is this kind of overt hostility to women golfers that she was trying to address.
“It was never about women’s ability to play golf on that course,” she said this week. “It was about women’s ability to become members of a club where the big deals are made.”
But despite ongoing gender issues in the sport, Burk said she will not be attending this year’s Masters.
“There would be not much point in me going: they wouldn’t let me in,” she said. “Anyway, I’m pretty sick of Tiger Woods and golf.”
End quote…
Seems like Martha Burk pretty well sums it up for a lot of people.
And it has a little to do with Golf and Tiger Woods… but way more to do with the Media.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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