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Today’s Blog Post
Paedophilic Priests – Cover-ups – Movement – Church Image and Victims
Dare I do this? Yesterday I wrote about a “Comedian, a Lesbian and a Minister”(that was me). It almost sounded like the comedian’s opening joke in a bar.
Today I will tackle another touchy issue – “The Paedophilic Priests” and their affect on the church as a whole.
For the past number of weeks the news media coverage has involved the Catholic Pope’s reaction or lack thereof when dealing with the Priests that were caught after they abused the children within their parish or contact. This was not abuse as in striking or doing physical beating – it was paedophile acts where the priest was allegedly doing sexual acts to children under his charge or in his parish. Though any acts of abuse are terrible when children are hurt by those in authority (or anyone) – it is the paedophile’s act that is deemed the worst in the Western Society.
In the recent events that have been exposed it has involved the Catholic Priest(s) in Ireland. It has also dredged up possible inaction by the Pope himself when he was serving in a lower position within the church – in his Pre-Pope era. Serious questions have been asked as to his inaction and possible cover ups.
It all exploded again in the last few days when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams commented on the Irish Catholic Church’s loss of credibility. Note here that Rowan Williams is an Anglican. And historically the Anglican Church was formed in direct opposition to the Catholic Church – along time ago. Present ecumenical attempts to bring all “Christians” together as one were not helped by the leader of one group commenting about the leadership of another.
It is quite okay to think it – just don’t say it out loud.
In an article by the BBC…
“The Archbishop of Canterbury's claim that the Irish Catholic church had lost all credibility because of its handling of child abuse by priests was criticised by both Catholic and Anglican clergy.”
End Quote
There is tension in the Ecclesiastical Ranks to say the least.
A loss of credibility is what Williams said… and in my opinion he is stating the obvious… and was criticized for saying something like this.
Now being the Great Ecclesiastical Man that he is(and politically astute) he called the Archbishop Martin…
“Dr Rowan Williams later telephoned Archbishop Martin to insist he meant no offence to the Irish Catholic Church.”
End Quote
For most of the general public it is foreign to get this unique ecclesiastical glimpse into the complicated workings of the Giant Spiritual Leadership Roles of each church.
Robert Pigott of the BBC points out…
“It should be remembered that relations between the two Churches have been strained since Pope Benedict offered disgruntled Anglicans easy conversion to Catholicism last October.”
End quote
So there is a possibility of more behind this than just the Media’s sensational reporting that will be dropped when the comments and statements are ended by the Leadership of either church.
It is as much as the public can likely handle when they listen and look on.
That is… until you realize that it is all about Paedophilia and the Paedophilic acts that Priests have done over the years to boys and girls, to satisfy their own perverted, sexual desires.
The children will never be the same again. Their lives will face unbelievable obstacles forever!
And the Priests will be moved on, covered up hoping the Ecclesiastical Actions from the Top will be enough to not hurt the image of the church in general.
It doesn’t work that way. Rowan Williams’ statements are truth. Some really don’t like that truth spoken out loud – especially by a High Level Opposition personality such as him.
I am suggesting here that the actions taken by the Priests in Ireland to satisfy their lust for children – and then the actions of the church’s Ecclesiastical Body has hurt not just the Catholic Church of Ireland – but all Church Men and Church Women – everywhere.
In fact all ministers would like the honourable Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams to please be quiet. If he was and will be it all will go away for everyone.
Everyone? Yep Everyone of us – me included.
I began the journey toward full time ministry in 1969. In 1974 I jumped into it full time. Since that time I have witnessed more moral failure than I care to. Men and women of the “cloth” have messed up and dropped out, been moved around to different spots and at times simply quit.
These moral failures have ranged from messing with kids to theft to committing adultery to pornography to anything that has been “unbecoming to minister of the Gospel”. You name it I have sadly witnessed it over 35 years of watching.
Now to complicate matters more the “moral failure” is generally not discussed and details are not released of what took place. Only direct insiders will know. That is unless it is a criminal offence and it ends up in court. But because of the shame that is involved in all the parties – it may not get revealed until years later when charges are laid – or the people damaged by what took place are uncovered.
It is at that point that the local Ecclesiastical Body of any church has to act in the best interest of those involved. The minister will be removed, be given counselling and the parish is hopefully able to move on. The public perception is very important in the eyes of the Ecclesiastical Body. If there is a victim it will already be too late to do much about that person as the goods have been damaged severely.
When I was serving as a Pastor in Scarborough, Ontario (working as a Youth Pastor in a large church), I had the responsibility one day to fetch the lawn mower that had been repaired at a local repair shop.
I arrived at the small business and told them who I was. Hi I am Rev. Murray Lincoln, ready to pick up the lawn mower that was dropped off last week. Some one called to tell us that it was ready.”
I was standing in a group of about 6 men. One was the owner and apparent mechanic as well. He looked up at my announcement of being Rev. Murray Lincoln… and sneered at me.
“Before I do anything else with you, I want to know how many little boys you have diddled? So what does it feel like to do that kind of thing?” he asked.
The men had been laughing about something when I walked up. Now they are staring at me… not laughing. In a heart beat I had been accused of being a child molester and jeered at by this one man. He was not impressed with ministers – and for some reason took to hating me – instantly.
On the defence I stumbled out some words that mumbled something like. “All ministers are not like that. You can’t tar us all with that brush…” but the words were weak and I was dieing from the glare of the 6 men standing there.
In the weeks before another two Catholic Priests had been removed from a local church and charged with Paedophilic acts. It had been revealed that over the years these fellows had damaged/molested many children. Now this particular week I was the suspect of similar crimes against kids, because I declared my Ordination – being a Reverend!
So when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams states the obvious – I agree. The actions of very evil priests that yielded to their own depraved mindset – hurt everyone.
Rev. Rowan Williams stated the following as well…
"I was speaking to an Irish friend recently who was saying that it's quite difficult in some parts of Ireland to go down the street wearing a clerical collar now.”
"And an institution so deeply bound into the life of a society, suddenly becoming, suddenly losing all credibility - that's not just a problem for the Church, it is a problem for everybody in Ireland."
End Quote…
How does it happen? Why does it happen? When does it happen? Some many questions…
A Minister has been given a great place of trust from the very start of his or her involvement in any community. The Ministers arrives when people are making great decisions, experiencing life challenging episodes and recovering from earth shaking experiences. At these moments people need a friend, a guide, a counsellor, and a mentor. The Minister will at times become all of that when the trust is developed. Add to that respect is the love and care that grows between two people, or a family and its Priest… and the trust is sacred.
When the “friend, a guide, a counsellor, and a mentor” blows it… the trust crumbles and everyone is affected by it.
Like Rowan Williams I am concerned about the image of the church.
I am concerned about the moving pf Priests and not dealing with the situations where they have destroyed people’s lives – directly and indirectly… and where sometimes they are allowed to continue doing the same things in another place of trust… and other men have covered it up.
BUT – with all the Ecclesiastical reviews and courts and church protection and cover-ups and moving offenders… one thing needs to be consider. What about the kids and the victims of these horrific crimes against the youngest of humanity?
Like who gives a Ecclesiastical Ding Dong about the Victims of these Crimes?
I have only one answer to that question… “I DO!”
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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