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Today’s Blog Post
Mission Impossible – or is it Mission Possible?
As I looked at my target audience arriving slowly yesterday morning I kind of groaned inwardly. I have done a lot of things in my life time but NEVER ONCE have I done what was about to happen over the course of the next 70 Possible Minutes that I was being offered (or forced upon me… yikes)
Now some days it is a real joy to address my target audience. I have been addressing this kind of non responsive audience for 35 years – why should this be any different? Well this audience is aged between Grade Six and Grade Nine… 11 years old up to 14… and they are not always there… in their minds at least. Yawning, wishing they were some where else, thinking this is just like School – which they have endured for the past five days….
I am a Youth Class Teacher that tries to capture their interest when they come to church.
The problem however is that only two of a potential 12 are there each week. Families are too busy with everything things else and well… maybe… just maybe… they sleep in like I wish I could… and are well … not interested in what is happening to make it a number one thing their life. Yikes… all kinds of things come into your mind after you come to church on Sunday and a few show up!!!
My class is easier than my daughter’s class. She has about 5 to 7 almost always there kind of kids, who are pre-school to kindergarten age. Their listening ability has a vast range of 3 minutes flat out… and she has to “look after” these jewels for 70 minutes also, making sure that no one fights, bites or misses mommy too much… while mommies are doing other things some where else.
(That last paragraph is tossed in to consider when changes come suddenly… and to let you see what happens at “the other end of the building” on Sunday Morning.)
I love what I do and so does my daughter. We both think what we do makes a small difference in the lives of kids… really we do… and that is why we come back to try one more time.
Back to the Problem of Yesterday Morning…
As I had previewed the Lesson Plan... I gulped… I was given the task to teach the class about “DEPRESSION”!!!! Woooiee!
Remember these kids are between 11 and 14 years old…. Grade Six to Grade 9. And one thing I cannot tell you is what each is kid is like – just because they are a complex bundle of emotions. All I knew at that point was… this should be FUN. But the word FUN is in FUNERAL as well!
I started by telling them that I had never ever taught on this topic in 35 years of ministry. I jumped right in… oh boy!
One Hour and Ten Minutes later there wasn’t a person that moved or walked out quickly… they were quite and pondering the possibilities of a good future.
You see it had been a kind of week that had deeply affected me personally. A young mom left three young children behind. She couldn't face the world and the weight of it any longer.
Depression had taken its toll… it was over.
Teen depression is real. I have watched it take lives and destroy families for years. Yesterday was the first day that I talked about it.
Yesterday was my second last class with these teens as I have been called to do something else on Sundays for a few weeks.
I left with a lighter heart… but wondered what the teens were thinking about…
Mission Impossible was an old TV show that made a lot of sense when it was on the air. The Good guys always won or accomplished their goals.
Teaching Sunday School classes – whether to 5 and 6 year olds or to teens… is that kind of TV Show… Mission Impossible… or Mission Possible.
Now if you want a joy beyond your years I know of two good classes where you can get involved… any takers?
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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