Thursday, April 15, 2010

“Giggles and Groans” or “Adventure in Fraserville”

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Today’s Blog Post

“Giggles and Groans” or “Adventure in Fraserville”

The giggles and the groans in the room were plain fun. They were coming from my new friends in a drawing class that we started yesterday in Fraserville.

In fact ‘Giggles and Groans’ may be an excellent name for the newly formed group of budding artists.

I shared from my experience and journey as a man that loves art… that draws and creates in a wide format of media. I share as a person that loves to draw. And that loves has been developing since I was a young boy… maybe drawing and creating for about 61 years now.

The principle behind the ‘Adventure in Fraserville’ (which is another good name for the group) is unlocking the things that hold us back from even trying to draw…doing exercises that help us to begin creating.

Along with a number of artists I have found a delight in releasing my creativity. I have found that I need to do something to get the art flowing in me. I have found that there are things that lock up the art and creativity. I have found that life pretty much can mess up what I would really love to do… but have not been able to do anything about it.

After a lot of reading and experiments I have found a delight in studying the Right Brain/Left Brain Drawing.

Now to help you understand, it is not exactly both left and right sides of an individual’s brain… but it is a great way to describe it.

To help you see it better Right and Left help. But another way that also describes it is the Creative and Logical. But using that wording it kind of messes people up when you delineate one or the other. A creative person will object in that if she or he is Creative… and strongly creative it is inferring that they may not be Logical… or visa versa.. the strongly based Logical person is not Creative.

In the Right Brian/Left Brain definition mode it helps one to see that when one part is dominant while the other may not function as well – or at its greatest potential.

The Right Brain is credited as the place within us that can create the delightful things that we enjoy. It is part of our creator’s mark on us… and we all have a love to create something.

Most people started as little people. And little people had little or no inhibitions… they drew endless picture for their own pleasure… built and created wonderful things from sometimes nothing. Moms and Dads hung what their little people did on their refrigerator doors and walls.

I have a ‘little people’ friend named Lina. Lina has just started school. When we were at Lina’s place I noted with great delight that Lina had discovered her greatest creation place were the walls of her home, front room, hallways and basement rumpus room walls have all become Lina’s art boards. With complete abandon she creates wonderful pictures for all to see.

Lina pretty much operates completely in the Right Brain mode.

In a few years of schooling the system will have helped to develop her well enough that the Left Brain, the strongly based Logical oriented, structured and disciplined parts of her being, will take over. After all that is what schools do best… control, discipline and prepare people to be Good, Logical, Efficient, Productive Workers that have stopped drawing on walls a long, long time ago!

In fact most Logical Left Brain people stopped drawing a long time ago when they realized that they have to be Disciplined, Structured and Good Workers. If they weren’t they would never get a job.

People that keep drawing on walls like Lina does are not what they need to be.

An art class/drawing class let people become little people again. That is why they giggle. In fact every drawing class that I ever taught has people giggling within a few minutes as they discover what it is to become like my young friend Lina again.

“But you said Murray… that there were Giggles and Groans! Why Groans?” you question.

Well when the Good, Logical, Efficient, Productive Workers are encouraged to let go and let their ‘little people’ out… that is plain stupid! That is silly… that is not Logical… that doesn’t fit within the norm of what we have learned for so many years… and we will groan as the ‘little people’ inside simply enjoy what he or she is doing.

Letting go of the Logical is almost impossible. But with some small exercises it can be shut off for just a little while. With a wee bit of encouragement, a few rules to make it happy, a little bit of control the Logic can become part of the Creative process.

Lina’s wall drawings are illogical in a Big People’s world. But if Lina can discover the joy and keep the joy of doing the drawing on a sheet of paper or a canvass… she will maintain her artistic ability.

BUT – shut Lina down and tell her that it is bad to do this, that she needs to concentrate on better things, more profitable things and Lina will become a Big People that can’t draw even a good stick person.

In my class of yesterday there are some folk that don’t draw very good stick people. There are some that have been so busy that they have not had time to do something as silly as trying to draw anything.

Confession started to come from the group yesterday, when they shared how they have always wanted to try… and now something inside of them wants to do it now!

Yesterday with both younger and older minds – for the group had a range of about a 40 year life span… there was joy in drawing.

Yesterday I created with words that produced lines and giggles and groans… and a wonderful time together. What a delight to be the presence of greatness… and every last one of the students yesterday were great!

I can hardly wait until next Wednesday afternoon.
~ Murray Lincoln ~


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