Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The $16,075,168.75 Master Card Mistake – Wahoo!

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Today’s Blog Post

The $16,075,168.75 Master Card Mistake – Wahoo!

My 89 year old Mother came to my little office yesterday and stated that she had received her Master Card Statement but it didn’t make sense. “Can you look at it for me?” she asked.

No problem. I help my mother with some of her financial matters over these past five years or so. At times some of the things that are sent to her don’t make a lot of sense. I know… it is happening to me as well. Banking Technology is changing almost every month with the addition of the new Chip Cards and heightened levels of security – etc. you have to interpret what is coming along.

Sometimes it is hard for even the younger folk that deal with it every day.

Now some background for you to help understand what I am about to discover.

My Mom is very careful with her spending. She uses her Master Card sparingly making small purchases when necessary. And each month she knows that if she keeps her Credit Card paid down to zero there will be no interest. So within days of receiving her Master Card Statement in the mail she will go to the Mall and the Bank of Montreal to pay her bill. She is very faithful in doing her part.

Her monthly bill is manageable on her income. It allows her a little wiggle room and ‘mad money’ to do as she sees fit. Birthday Presents, stuff for grandkids and the like are the only major items on her Card each month.

As I opened her Credit Card Statement I nearly died… I actually chocked a little when I gulped. My Mom went WAY OVER BOARD THIS MONTH! Holy Mackerel she charged a Bundle somewhere! This is NUTS! Maybe someone stole her identity???!

There was the Figure of $16,075,168.75 on the right side and it had a “CR” behind it! “CR” means CREDIT… that is for the good right? I think it is… (below is the copy)
Purchases were relatively small… and she was only required to pay $10 this month.

Now I have heard of some folk that “Load Their Cards” with extra payments before heading out on a Trip. That way they have extra in their Credit just in case they run out of money along the way. It acts as a safety.

But a Figure of $16,075,168.75 is a little over the wall.

To the left side of the Statement is the description of what she purchased and the transactions that have taken place over the last billing period.

That is when I realized that for one brief, fleeting moment my Mom was a Millionaire many times over.

The First major entry shows as “PAYMENT RECEIVED THANK YOU” and shows that she sent in $6,075,168.76. Immediately after that following another grateful THANK YOU – she paid $9,999,999.99 and was credited for the same amount – totalling $16,075,168.75 !!!!
BUT the down fall came when the Teller knew that my Mom could not possibly handle that amount of money and then took it out as a “PAYMENT REVERSAL”

The Master Card Statement does not show how long my Mom was a Multi Millionaire. It may have been moments or hours… but it did happen and she has the evidence.

Now every one knows, that if an automobile is assembled on a Monday that there may well be more imperfections and many more breakdowns in the future. Automobile Assembly Plants are notorious for that happening.

But the date shown was a Thursday – not Monday.

But wait… there is the final bit of information that is very valuable in trying to understand… it was April 1 that it took place. April Fools Day! Go figure! The Teller was messing with my Mom’s mind… and knew that she would nearly drop dead when she opened her Master Card Statement next month. Ha Ha Ha! Too funny!

Wait a minute… wait a cotton pickin’ minute! Some one has played a horrible joke on an 89 year old lady that can hardly see over the counter top at the bank.

NOW WAIT the second cotton pickin’ minute… we have American Roots also and like any good American Rooted person – we should be able to bring a substantial LAW SUIT against this Bank and the staff for playing such horrible joke on an innocent Old Lady!

Mom and I talked about it and thought that maybe if we walked into the Bank with me pushing her in a wheel chair next time… they would see what their little joke did to my Poor Old Mom!!!

Then we both started to laugh so hard that we cried. Mom then said… “Let’s do it!” and we laughed some more.

Mom was born to a rather poor family in Southern Saskatchewan and then lived through the dirty thirties. She has always known that she must be careful with her money.

But now we know… for one fleeting moment, through the kindness of a local teller – or a corporate one somewhere – she was a Multi Millionaire… and she laughed and laughed and laughed.

This next few days Mom and I will head to the same Bank of Montreal to pay last month’s Statement. We will be thanking one of the beautiful young gals behind the counter. And for the fun of it we will also drop off a copy of this Blog Posting to the Manager.

Thanks Master Card folk and Bank of Montreal Folk – you have made one little lady happy!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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