Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Honorable Helena Guergis doesn’t matter any more

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Today’s Blog Post

The Honorable Helena Guergis doesn’t matter any more
After receiving the reply from Jeff Westlake on behalf of my MP Dean Del Mastro yesterday, I have decided that Ms. Guergis doesn’t rate a second thought. She really doesn’t matter any more.

Who cares if she is a spoiled little Princess? I have come to the startling revelation that they have to live with her – I don’t. My own MP is another story… but there is an election coming – who knows? If they continue to give the stone wall answers to real concerns – who knows?

I am caught in a personal dilemma. I couldn’t vote for “Mikey I.” and Jackie L. is not my cuppa tea. And well Elizabeth the Green is too far out there – sharp lady but what she says doesn’t make a lot of sense.

And if I ask questions or have concerns to pass on to any one of them they really are interested in only one important thing. Are you ready for the revelation? The answer is THEMSELVES! Tada.

I know I am slow. It has taken 65 years to realize that this is so. Hundreds upon thousands of voters across our country kept believing. Sheesh – I was slow.

This week we start the let down period. The next best TV after the Olympics will be the SS things in Ottawa. SS? That is “Silly Stuff” from all parties in our Canadian Government.

The politicians will accuse each other, try to push in front of as many cameras as they can and say all kinds of wild things about each other. We likely will be facing an election soon with the way that they all have been posturing and strutting their stuff. The PM has all the photos he can get himself into with Olympians and we are now set to go at it again.

Personally I feel like we all have been on a wonderful day off, enjoyed a great picnic, and just as we are packing up the blankets and putting the stuff away… one of the kids has poked a Hornet’s Nest and we just want to get out of there.

We have enjoyed the Vancouver Olympics, loved Canada, and celebrated these days off. Now the Hornet’s Nest of Ottawa Politics has been stirred. With what they are about to do I personally don’t want to sing “Oh, Canada” or wave a flag. I just want to pack up and go home and not hear all the nonsense that will come our way soon.

The Hornet’s Nest of Politicians are about to sting the crap out of all of us – if they can. Quick get in the car and let’s go!

With that thought in mind I should have pity on my MP. The poor fellow may get stung. And he dare not say anything that would mess up his relationship with the King Hornet. Poor guy. And Jeffy... the dude(Aide) that had to answer my email and post may well be worried about his job.

I guess I really shouldn’t even think about Ms. Guergis.

For what it is worth… my friend Marion sent along this email about Senior’s Ads that were posted. These are funny and way more fun than thinking about the SS in Ottawa.

Enjoy them today. Forget about the Hornet’s Nest and move on.

Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty,
80's, slim, 5'4" (used to be 5'6"),
searching for sharp-looking,
sharp-dressing companion.
Matching white shoes and belt a plus.

Recent widow who has just buried fourth husband,
and am looking for someone to
round out a six-unit plot.
Dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath
not a problem.

I am into solitude, long walks,
sunrises, the ocean, yoga and meditation.
If you are the silent type, let's get together,
take our hearing aids out and enjoy quiet times..

I still like to rock,
still like to cruise in my Camaro on Saturday nights
and still like to play the guitar.
If you were a groovy chick,
or are now a groovy hen,
let's get together
and listen to my eight-track tapes.

Active grandmother with original teeth
seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks,
corn on the cob and caramel candy

I can usually remember
Monday through Thursday.
If you can remember Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
let's put our two heads together.

Male, 1932, high mileage,
good condition, some hair,
many new parts including hip, knee, cornea, valves.
Isn't in running condition, but walks well.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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