Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post
Business Confusion - Starting up a Business
I am living a major Business Problem. I should say that I have a major business problem… but in reality I live this one through. It is difficult to explain really.
Last evening I realized again that the problem is great and causing me more problems than I need.
The problem??? Well it is that I love my creations too much and I don’t want to give them up, sell them, or place them into other people’s hands after they are done. I have put too much of me into them!!!!
Last evening I completed 10 new Teddy Bears with their new hand carved faces. They are better than any that I have done to date. They are cuter and more precious than any others that I have put my hands, my mind and my heart into. Each one is a Master Piece!
Am I blowing my own horn here? NOPE – They are simply unique in every way and exceptional in all that they are.
But the Teddy Bears are only one problem. The Leaves and the Feathers and the Celtic Love Spoons are the same. Each is a creation and one that is completely unique from the last one. And as I go on they are all getting better – much better. I have now perfected what I do so well that it is almost too difficult to tell others.
After I design, create and then make it I do not want to give it up – ever!
When you chose to go into business the goal that is set is high… and in order to reach it – YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST SELL THE PRODUCT! I am struggling with that unwritten rule. I love my work too much.
Most Teddy Bears have a tag that tells the owner what is inside… the kind of material that it is made out of –etc.
My Bears are different in that their tags will read, “This Bear is stuffed with Hugs, Kisses and all My Love… I am having a terrible time letting it go – signed, Murray Lincoln, the Misty Hollow Carver.” (or something like that)
This next thought is a simple one… and even kind of mushy… soft headed… oh boy.
This funny feeling, and my internal struggle to let something go after I created it, is how God must feel about me – and you. It is one of my simple thoughts yesterday as I put the finishing touches on the hand work of each Bear.
It was a “Whoa Moment” something that stops me and lets me think long and deeply about what has just sunk in to my thinking.
Whoa – God loves me just the way that I am. I don’t have to get all freaky and religious to have it happen either… I don’t have to attend a church… or do religious stuff… I just have to know it. From that minute on, everything changes.
No wonder my Teddy Bears all smile. They know that I love them.
Maybe I need to smile more as well. Whoa! But is certainly has messed up my business. Talk about Business Confusion! Yikes!!!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
You old softy. LOL I find it much easier to do a business that sends vitamins to orphans. :)