Saturday, March 27, 2010

Barbie Basics Model Collection Doll – and giving “permission to play”

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Today’s Blog Post

Barbie Basics Model Collection Doll – and giving “permission to play”

When my friend ~ M ~ contacted me about a particularly disturbing challenge that she had encountered at our local Wal-Mart, I wasn’t sure that it would have much to do with me. That is until I started doing some research and giving it some thought. It was then that it made more sense – this is crisis of sorts – a real turning point for a large portion of our community.

“What in the world are you talking about Murray?” you ask.

Well it is all about Barbie® dolls.

“Oh groan”, cries half my audience of this Blog… that is the male half if you would like to know. And the other half may wonder at a former minister going off half cocked again or as one favourite TV program locally states it, “Wildly off in all directions!”

Like who cares about Barbie® dolls!!!?

Well I can tell you having had two daughters and now a granddaughter – they care. At least at one point they cared. They all have had Barbie® dolls at one point in their life.

Barbie® dolls are now just over 50 years old. So you can see that there has been an entire culture of young ladies that are now growing older very quickly. And the first generation to own Barbie® dolls are likely between 58 to 62 years of age. They are by a majority now Grandmothers that likely have granddaughters that can now be introduced to Grandma’s favourite doll when she was a little girl!

I doubt that there has been any other doll that has been so endeared for so many years and still remains as a number one seller in stores today… and is a hot item on the numerous Internet selling sites.

You better believe that this is a growing hotter market as Grandma gets back into dolls again. And they are by the thousands.

But also if you reason it out the Mommies of the present Barbie® doll generation coming up, daughters of the Grandmas that had the first Barbie® dolls, are also getting back into it again… at least some of them are. But it is a completely different reason.

Now I apologize for the next statement in advance. I just know that I am going to get some flack and flame when I make it. Now if that previous sentence has you ready… here goes.

This is 2010. And most first generation Barbie® doll owners that are now grandmothers, and the first generation owner’s daughters are… (are you ready – here it comes…) – OVER WEIGHT! They do not fit into anything that they once wore when they played with Barbie® dolls!!!!

That is not unfair to say it… it is just a fact! Almost every magazine in the last year has pointed to the absolute epidemic of fatness… and the related diabetic, heart and stroke related diseases that are coming. This society is grossly overweight.

Check out the favourite TV program for many that have a very fat, loud mouth actress trying to lose weight in front of cameras. She is wildly popular.

Check out the “biggest loser” type TV that have people crying, sweating and struggling desperately to lose even a few pounds. The audience is lapping it up – because they can now identify with real people just like themselves.

Now having said that – I AM NOT RAILING ON FAT PEOPLE! Some, if not all of my friends, struggle with their weight.

I am suggestion here that Barbie® dolls have a very odd part in lives of people that are over weight. She is skinny and they are not. By having a skinny doll that reminds us of where we once used to be… in an odd manner it draws us back to a time when… and the smile comes across everyone’s face… we were kids…
When my friend ~ M ~, that is also a grandma in about the target age bracket that I have pointed out, walked into the Wal-Mart she discovered that the New Barbie® dolls were anything but the old norm.

As she described the sight that caught her eye she was in shock. The New Barbie® doll was wearing a very slinky black dress with a neck like that plunged to meet the skirt bottom that was coming up from below. Meet the NEW SEXY Barbie® doll and she is on the store shelves in almost all the stores since about January.
These few words do not give you the proper idea I am sure… that’s why I offer the photos plucked from numerous web sites.

Barbie® dolls have changed over night! When she hit 50 years old she transformed into one slinky, skinny, sexy, girl doll that might even cause the hormones to stir in the Ken and G.I. Joe dolls – that is also over 50 years old!!!! I would actually be afraid, if I was a store owner, of what might be happening in the store after it closes!

Now hold on… the NEW SEXY Barbie® doll is named “Barbie Basics”. The bi-lines that are included with the advertisements are insinuating to say the least. Are you ready for this… it screams sexy and alluring SEXY Barbie® doll

Entertainmentearth’s Web Site offers these words to entice the potential buyer… quote…
“Barbie Basics Model Collection Doll Wave…
Black label Barbie! All the plastic without the diva attitude! Black is just as fashionable as turquoise!

Customize. Personalize. Play. Barbie Basics is all about permission to play. Each doll is in the fashion staple Little Black Dress. Break her out of the box and customize to make her your own. Each doll comes attired in different little black dresses. Add one of the accessory packs (sold separately) to personalize your very own Barbie doll. Includes doll only. Window box. Ages 6 and over.” End quote.

Did you catch all that? That paragraph is loaded with innuendos of all sorts.
The number one statement that I point to is the sentence, “Barbie Basics is all about permission to play.” And if you are not aware that “permission to play” is all about a kind of Sex in the City mentality – if you want it... why shouldn’t you have it!? Attitude – big time!!!! It has a lot to do with adultery in certain layers of our society and a lot to with unfaithfulness in marriage.

My friend, the grandma at Wal-Mart, only saw the outfit and did not read the words and intent behind this new doll collector’s item. She just saw the clothing and that told her all she needed to know. Grandma’s are funny that way – they know everything.

And THEY KNOW if you buy this kind of doll for your granddaughter you are saying something that you really don’t want to have your granddaughter hearing you say! Because in an ever so simple and soft Grandmotherly way you say, “Honey, you now have permission to play… grin, grin, wink, wink… a little sex on the side is okay… when you want it go for it dear!”

When my friend ~ M ~ contacted the Mattel Toy people here is a few lines from the email that she received back from them… quote…
Dear Ms. “~ M ~”,
Thank you for writing to share your disappointment with the Barbie Basics® Model Collection. While Mattel is well known for making Barbie® dolls for children, we also have a whole division dedicated to producing Barbie® dolls for adult collectors.

Barbie® Collector produces dolls for the adult collector, the Barbie
Basics® Model Collection is for adult collectors and not intended for
End quote… (the entire email is included at the end of this posting)


Then why is it in the Toy Department and why does the Ad scream at me “Ages 6 and over.”????

Someone is not talking to someone else at Mattel or American Girl® (that I think actually owns the Barbie® doll). And when you talk to them – they are not listening. Like one older lady explained to me about people like this, “Their minds are Cement, thoroughly mixed up with stuff and completely set!”

So why make a big deal out of it?

Well I do make a big deal of it because of one person in my life, who’s name is Emma. She is 11 years old now. She is a beautiful girl that will have the world as it is offered to her some day… but she doesn’t need have “permission to play”. That would simply mess her life and relationships up completely.

It is also about “Objectification”. Check out what Wikipedia states about this…
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Objectification is the process by which an abstract concept is treated as if it is a concrete thing or physical object. In this sense the term is synonym to reification.

The term may also be applied to a female, in which case it refers to regarding or treating the female as 'a thing' or object, separate from their personal attributes or characteristics. For example, sexual objectification refers to regarding or treating a person as merely a non-human object, or tool, for sex - sometimes described "as a means to an end".

Philosopher Martha Nussbaum has argued that something is objectified if any of the following factors is present:
Instrumentality - if the thing is treated as a tool for one's own purposes;
Denial of autonomy - if the thing is treated as if lacking in agency or self-determination;
Inertness - if the thing is treated as if lacking in agency;
Ownership - if the thing is treated as if owned by another;
Fungibility - if the thing is treated as if interchangeable;
Violability - if the thing is treated as if permissible to smash;
denial of subjectivity - if the thing is treated as if there is no need to show concern for the 'object's' feelings and experiences.
End Quote
Personally – I will not be buying a Barbie Basics Doll for Emma. I think she is too smart to own one anyway. But Peer Pressure is happening already and I shudder!

Every week I deal with Pedophiles and Sexual Perverts in my volunteer work… and they do not need help from anyone. They each have given themselves “permission to play”.

Get your act together Mattel People or American Girl®… you do not have permission to give “permission to play” to my kids or grandkids. Who do you think you are!!!?

~ Murray Lincoln ~

Barbie Basics Model Collection Doll Wave 3 Case
Black label Barbie! All the plastic without the diva attitude! Black is just as fashionable as turquoise!

Customize. Personalize. Play. Barbie Basics is all about permission to play. Each doll is in the fashion staple Little Black Dress. Break her out of the box and customize to make her your own. Each doll comes attired in different little black dresses. Add one of the accessory packs (sold separately) to personalize your very own Barbie doll. Includes doll only. Window box. Ages 6 and over.
(from Entertainmentearth)

Email from concerned Grandma ~ M ~…

Hi Murray,
I wondered if you wanted a topic for your blog?

I was in the Barbie doll section of Walmart looking to buy one when I saw a series of Barbies in black, provocative, revealing dresses, ie; one Barbie had a V-neck open down almost to her waist, short skirts up to hip line etc. I was totally disgusted with the dolls and got the Walmart manager and let him know what I thought. I Called Mattel and emailed and they said they are a line for adult collectors. I responded by saying, why are they in the toy dept? I thought you could do an interesting blog on this topic and make parents aware of what their kids are looking at in the toy dept. and how Mattel is Not prepared to change anything. I am waiting back to hear from Walmart. I am boycotting Mattel at the present time!!
~ M ~

Hi Murray, I've forwarded Mattel's response. Walmart has not yet responded. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say! The dolls are in the Barbie section of Walmart. I'm sure they are probably in Zellers too. Evidently they were a new line brought out in Jan.
~ M ~

Dear Ms. ~ M ~,
Thank you for writing to share your disappointment with the Barbie Basics® Model Collection. While Mattel is well known for making Barbie® dolls for children, we also have a whole division dedicated to producing Barbie® dolls for adult collectors.

Barbie® Collector produces dolls for the adult collector, the Barbie
Basics® Model Collection is for adult collectors and not intended for

We hope that you find this information helpful. We do appreciate
receiving feedback from our customers. Please be assured your comments have been noted.

American Girl® Customer Service
Phone: 1-800-845-0005 or 608-831-5210
Fax: 608-828-4790
Available Monday - Sunday 6 a.m. - Midnight, Central Time

1 comment:

  1. While you're at it, what about the La Senza Stores having whole lines for the pre-teen. I was so disgusted at their Ad on Tv I vowed never to shop at La Senza.

    But I am off topic---I think it all depends on what you're looking for. I was in Wal-Mart last week-end with our 5 yr. old granddaughter seeking a Barbie Doll. She wanted a Cinderella type.
    We found a whole section of reasonably priced Barbies--none of which offended me. I guess I did not notice this new line--but my point is, I doubt my young one would have wanted one anyway--she wasn't Looking for Permission To Play!!(except in a 5 yr old way).

    I Do Agree--If they're meant to be Adult Collector Dolls then move them Out of The children's Toy section.
