Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ann Coulter - “inflammatory right-wing pundit” – or a Born Again Christian Nut Case?

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Today's Blog
Ann Coulter - “inflammatory right-wing pundit” – or a Born Again Christian Nut Case?

What the heck is a “inflammatory right-wing pundit”?

Now add the words “Ann Coulter” to that and you might get an answer for yourself.

Last night it hit my news stream. Ann Coulter was rejected by the University of Ottawa… or at least the meeting was cancelled because of a possible danger from within the potential audience.

Earlier in the week the University of Ottawa administrator, sent an e-mail from the school warning her to use "restraint, respect and consideration" when addressing Ontario students this week. Ann Coulter fired back that the statement made her a victim of a "hate crime."

And of course all of the media jumped on the statements that are firing back, left right and centre.

In London, Ontario at a similar gathering she let her volley of offences fly.

I caught her one statement on the news report…

Her statement on Monday night was recorded by many…
“On Monday, before a packed audience of about 800 at the University of Western Ontario in London, she said airlines should ban all Muslim passengers and told a Muslim student to "take a camel" as an alternative to flying.”
End quote

Her attitude towards the Islamic world is absolutely pronounced. She dislikes them… or in case I get a slap from Dear Ann as well as the University Dude… I should say… is not in agreement.

But with my careful statements about Ann in that way… Ann would dislike me as well because I am being politically correct in what I say.

For me to say that “she hates the Islamic world” would make me a Hate Crime instigator – against her.

But who is Ann Coulter?

After reading much of the information on her I can say she is smart… very smart. She has done well in school and in working career. She certainly knows how to sell her books and herself. She is likely the only person that I have heard of that has been fired from jobs and then invited back to the same job by the same people that fired her!

I wonder who was more dysfunctional in that hiring and firing situation?

Some people love her. Some people hate her. There doesn’t seem to be any middle of the road… except the politically correct that want to be fair to all sides. I am not sure which group I fall into?

The part that is really hard to take is her religious views. She is way out there some where. She would never make it as a pastor who has to be politically correct for and with everyone! (For 35 years I did that and am now a “recovering pastor” because of it! But that is another story all together!)

As a minister I looked for some hint of what she does believe about God and Faith and all that mushy stuff that most of Canada is allergic to… and so is the USA.

Whoa! She calls herself a Presbyterian! She talks like a Pentecostal! And looks and sounds like someone that could attend either.

You need to read what is published about her on Wikipedia… hang on when you read it!
“Coulter says that she holds Christian beliefs, and has declared that she is Presbyterian; she has mentioned that her father was Catholic while her mother was not. At one public lecture she said: "I don't care about anything else: Christ died for my sins and nothing else matters." In a 2004 column, she summarized her view of Christianity: "Jesus' distinctive message was: People are sinful and need to be redeemed, and this is your lucky day because I'm here to redeem you even though you don't deserve it, and I have to get the crap kicked out of me to do it." She then mocked "the message of Jesus ... according to liberals," summarising it as "...something along the lines of 'be nice to people'," which, in turn, she said "is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity".

Confronting some critics' views that her content and style of writing is un-Christian, Coulter has stated that "I'm a Christian first and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it." She has also said: "... Christianity fuels everything I write. Being a Christian means that I am called upon to do battle against lies, injustice, cruelty, hypocrisy — you know, all the virtues in the church of liberalism." In Godless: The Church of Liberalism, as well as in personal appearances, Coulter characterized evolution as "bogus science", and contrasting her beliefs to what she called the left's "obsession with Darwinism and the Darwinian view of the world, which replaces sanctification of life with sanctification of sex and death."
End quote

This week in some of my “non-Christian” meetings I will NOT TELL ANYONE that I am one! And I won’t tell them that I was a Pastor of a Church. That will be just because they will ask me what kind of church I was involved with… Hokey Mokey!

After Ann comes to your country you will need to hide if you are fundamentalist of any sort… which kind of makes you into a right winged nut case.

But I pick from the Wikipedia quote and important statement…
"I'm a Christian first and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it."

I have met people like that in church for over 35 years!

Ooops – now I have Ann Coulter and a majority of the former congregants more than a little upset with my statements.

“Now Pastor Murray… that was a long time ago! People have changed!! Haven’t they?” some ask.

Nope. I found evidence of it happening again not far away and not long ago.

Many people will hold to Ann’s way of thinking and then spiritualize it.
“… being a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, is okay and don't you ever forget it!”

“It is not okay. Dear Ann… Straight out I say it. It is not okay to smash people with your words to sell your books. It is not okay to waltz into out country and spew your foul attitudes. And even if some person that we will never know about pays you to come to our country – I do not agree with that and you need to stay home and let your evil thoughts percolate south of our border! Go away Ann and don’t even think of using our Human Rights Commission to try to stick to us!”

Whew! That almost made me feel better.

But for 35 years I have not been able to say that to the people that have said… "I'm a Christian first and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it."

Maybe that is why I am a “recovering pastor” from a world that hates so much that it hurts.

Ann, seriously, come with me to some of the countries and people that I have been to… and see what needs to be done. Come with me and witness what God’s love does for an Islamic person that is hurting. They hurt just like I do. They cry the same… and their heart breaks when their kids are killed fighting wars or trying to obey the laws of their land… just like Christians do.

What a tumult of feelings today. Thanks Ann. Thanks a lot!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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