Friday, February 5, 2010

My Favicon would not work in Internet Explorer 8 (I.E. 8)

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

My Favicon would not work in Internet Explorer 8 (I.E. 8)
Can you believe it…!? One small “question mark” made the difference.

As I attempted to make the computer program respond to my ‘bidding and will’ – it wouldn’t! The Internet Explorer version 8 program would not do what I wanted it to do. All the other browsers responded well – just not that stupid IE v8!!!

I started my searches on the Internet for a possible answer.

Many were asking the same question and having the same problem. One guy had tried almost everything including the reinstalling of his Windows program – and that would not work. I think he said that he worked on it for 4 Weeks - at about 4 hours per day.

Okay – I know that you may not have a clue what I am writing about today – as an average reader. Let me try to explain a little so that I don’t completely lose you.

I am writing about “FavIcons”. What in the world is a FavIcon – or favicon?

Well when you click on to the Web Site a very small picture appears to the left of your URL address… just before the “http”. It may have photo/logo or a letter text of some kind at that appears. If you are into saving the Web Site as a favourite it will appear to the left of that address in your long list of favourite sites also making it easier to find what you are looking for.

Now I know that few people even know that it is a “Favicon”.

By inserting a small line into the HTML text of your Web Page it then makes the “favicon.ico” appear.

Now I go a little Geeky here – sorry – but just in case some one needs this – here it is.

To add a favicon.ico to your Web Page..

Try this…
Make or create an icon of your logo. Go to something like  or a very good one is  and follow the instructions. A small icon will be created which you then save into your main directory of the Web Page.

This will create a HTML text line that looks something like this…
link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico"
link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/favicon.ico"

This line is inserted in the Head of your Web Page. For example…

link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/favicon.ico"

(But note that there will be a lot more in between the head and /head .  Also I have taken out the necessary "<" and ">" that surround the lines above... so this Blog will allow it to show)

Having done this… and up loaded your new page… the favicon will appear when you open the Web Page in everything but “I.E. 8”.

That is when the problem began for me and about a 1000 other people.

I read over dozens of pages to find the possible answer and tried buckets of procedures to get it to work. But nothing!!!!

Then one very small and very simple suggestion was made. You need to change this line….
link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/favicon.ico"
link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/favicon.ico?"
(see the ‘?’ and where it is)

Just add one small question mark and BINGO it worked in I.E. 8.

Can you believe it… only one small question mark was needed! That was all.

I chased my tail on this one until I stumbled on to a place that one person suggested an answer that might work.

This little exercise is so much like LIFE. I am absolutely sure that I know what to do… do I try over, and over, and over, and over again and again and again and again.

But it doesn’t work.

It is like being in business for your self as well. I tend to chase my tails some times here as well.

It is so much better when I get help or suggestions from somewhere else.

Last evening I joined a group of Small Business Owners to share ideas. It was amazing as I listened to the folk that gathered, there were many new ideas that began to flow. Just listening encouraged me. They are all creative and they are all entrepreneurs.

It was the best two hours that I have spent together in along while.

The Group???
It is called Peterborough Business Speed Networking Group”. It is free – unlike some others – and the folk there are simply GREAT! It is open to anyone that might like to join, has a business interest and likes to connect with people.

And when you are stuck in the muddle… they just might suggest the use of “one small question mark” that will make a difference!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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