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Today’s Blog Post
Looking for a Locum Tenen
So have you met your Locom Tenen yet? If you haven’t you soon will.
In actual fact many Seniors I have watched have used a Locum Tenen for a long time.
Nope a Locum Tenen is not a part of your body… it is a person that is a “place holder”. Someone that sits in for you when you are not there.
When I refer to seniors it happens at banquets where they tip the chair forward to hold their best friend’s seat. They are not going to let just anybody sit next to them!
This is a brand new term for me.
It is being used in the Medical Practioner’s World when the Doctor needs to get away – or is put away – fired! Another Doctor is recruited to become the Locum Tenen for this person. Another way to describe it is easier, that is Locum Coverage.
In reading the story of Dr. Tsatsi, the Radiologist in Yorkton, Saskatchewan that was banned from working there, I caught the term as the Sunrise Health Region reported that Locum Coverage was in place.
I realize now that I have been Locum Tenen for a number of Pastors over the years. They were heading out on Holidays and needed some one that wouldn’t mess up their “practice” to badly when they went away – so they hired me for weekend pastoral work… and at times they needed longer periods of time.
I have to confess that not knowing the word Locum Tenen or Locum Coverage – my first thoughts were to a very old term that was used about horses in Southern Saskatchewan. When the horse was not controllable or went nuts on you it was deemed, “Just plain Loco!”
The horse was crazy – which the word ‘Loco’ seemed to mean.
So my thought was… the Doctor must be Loco to take the job for a short period of time.
Joshua Tepper, MD cleared up the idea for me when I read his posting. In fact he has made it very clear that to be a Locum Tenen has some benefits – big time.
Mention is made of “In the current market, locums can sometimes drive hard bargains. While luxury rental cars and fancy resort accommodations are nice perks (and, sadly, often part of the negotiated package these days) for hard work….”
In Peterborough our Hospital is undergoing a financial review because of serious short falls in the way that money is being handled. The PRHC is in trouble. They were give money to use wisely and the inference is that it isn’t being used that way.
Now if they have had to use Locum Tenens to keep the ship a float, I can see the possibilities of problems.
Would the Public love to get their hands on that information?
But then Locum Tenens are being brought in to look over the books and financial goings on of the PRHC in Peterborough.
(It is a political bombshell in our area. Our MPP, Jeff Leal, has been on TV making announcements or explanations about the short fall. My only suggestion is that my friend Jeff should try to stay healthy until the dust has settled a little.)
Locally some of our Doctors are being worked to the point of dropping. There is too much to do and no one to share the load with. If the doctor is a specialist it is even worse.
One thing that I have come to realize is that in the middle of winter when the “ugly buglies” have come to visit the homes of many people, they come to a Doctor’s Office to unload their Ugly Attitudes. Some of the accounts that I have heard are simply about STUPID PEOPLE that are too selfish for words.
In Joshua Tepper’s posting he has explained some amazing things that few people consider. What happens when a Doctor needs to get away? What takes place behind the scenes? Very interesting to say the least.
Os today you are now armed with a new phrase. This out to be a new day in the coffee shop for some.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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Yorkton's Story
From Joshua Tepper MD
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