Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Todd Richardson – I am applying for the Job with EWEA

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Today’s Blog Post

Dear Todd Richardson – I am applying for the Job with EWEA


Dear Mr. Todd Richardson

I received your email and invitation this morning early. I am replying to the excellent opportunity that your company has extended to people like myself. I believe that I do qualify for the position that you have outlined in your description the task with the EWEA.

(I have included the original email at the end of this letter so you will know which email I am referring to.)

I am making this reply by email first to demonstrate my eagerness to get involved IMMEDIATELY. I will be sending the important personal contact mail via snail mail in that I do not trust placing this kind of information in an electronic form that may go to some one else other than your company.

There are some concerns right off the bat that I need to address here before I go further. But please note because I have concerns it doesn’t mean that I am not interested. I want the JOB!

Concern One -
When I Googled your name and company I found the following. You are a Lawyer that works as Vice President, Strategic Human Resources and Risk Management. But you are part of the Exact Target Company which does considerable work with email. In fact the description offered on the Exact Target Web Site states, “On Demand email marketing and one to one digital communication platform”. It does not list you as part of the EWEA.

Can you explain that for me? I have had a problem trusting Lawyers over my 66 years of living. It has come quite easily this mistrust in that I do volunteer work inside of Prisons – in fact I am going to be in Prison for a few hours today. And every one of the men in prison were represented by a Lawyer before they went there – yet they were still found guilty and the Lawyer walked away with a bundle of cash that he was paid for doing nothing.

Concern Two –
I am NOT A LAWYER and I cannot justify collecting money for doing nothing without that qualification behind my name. I had looked at getting one from the Internet site dealing with Granting Degrees etc. An old friend of mine, that was a car salesman, is now an Ordained Minister after he looked into getting the qualification from that site. He never had to study one book – just paid the money!!! No kidding!

If I sit on my duff and wait for the mailman to bring me the collection checks that will be sent to me I really am acting as a Lawyer – am I not? And without the proper qualifications and necessary degrees – would I not get in trouble?

Concern Three –
If you get the people that are owing your company money to send there money to me directly as your collection agent…. Will they trust me? I can see that I need some forms and letters with letter head printed on it. I will need these for the Bank that I am setting up the account with. The pretty teller told me that at my Bank.

I would also like to have some Business Cards printed with my new Title on it… and if I can afford the Internet degree I will include that. This will impress my Coffee Clan that I meet with each morning. These guys are sharp. I don’t want them to be saying that this is just a scam. With a proper and beautiful Business Card they will know that this is real.

Concern Four –
The EWEA is a company that is dealing with renewable energy. It deals with Wind and Water and Waves and a whole lot of interesting things all over Europe. I have only been to London for about 6 hours one day on my way to Africa. They made me stay in the airport for that time. I heard some people speaking English with a British accent. One of them was a very angry security guard that yelled at me when I took a photo of the funny telephone booth near the Immigration entrance.

I am qualified as some one that knows something about Wind and Water and Waves. I have been a minister in a church for 35 years and have preached some Long Sermons. Many people thought that I was full of hot air – at least that is what they told me. I have also Baptized People in Water that often makes Waves. And the things I said in those sermons really caused Waves in the community. My friends told me that many other folk used to talk about me after church in ways that were not very nice – definitely I caused waves!

Will all that I did as a Minister in church be enough Hot Air to fill the requirements that EWEA might have?

Needless to say for 35 years I kept the dear folk in a church building for 52 times a year and one hour and a half at a time. All the time they were there – they were not polluting. Some of the older ones occasionally passed gas – but that was pretty normal in an audience of that kind.

Finally Todd… I am more than excited and will work very well within your company organization. I have been a little short on cash since leaving the full time work at the church. This retirement mode and unemployed mode doesn’t exactly match my style of living as a minister and the impression that I used to leave on everyone.

Back in those good old days – oh how I miss them… Believe it or not – it took at least four strong men and women to pick up all the loot that we took in each Sunday Morning! Some Sundays were so good it took six people to pick up all the cash.

Now I have to check the mail box for one check each month. It isn’t quite the same. But with your company I can expect at least a few hundred checks per day – right? And if all goes well I will be rolling in the cash soon.

AND your email stated that “Benefits, including medical, dental insurance, and transportation compensation are also available to those who qualify.” Oh do I ever qualify!

I especially want to thank you and my lucky stars for being chosen for this potentially, wonderful task of representing the EWEA.

Your new friend and new partner,
Murray Lincoln

Email sent to me... The evidence


Dear Job hunter,

We will be glad to offer you a job position with our company ( EWEA ). We need someone to work for the company as a payment collection officer in AMERICA, CANADA AND EUROPE. EWEA is the trade and professional body for the UK wind and marine renewables industries. Formed in 1978, and with 561 corporate members, BWEA is the leading renewable energy trade association in the UK. Wind has been the world's fastest growing renewable energy source for the last seven years, and this trend is expected to continue with falling costs of wind energy and the urgent international need to tackle CO2 emissions to prevent climate change.

In 2004, EWEA expanded its mission to champion wave and tidal energy and use the Association's experience to guide these technologies along the same path to commercialisation.

Our primary purpose is to promote the use of wind, wave and tidal power in and around the UK. We act as a central point for information for our membership and as a lobbying group to promote wind energy and marine renewables to government, industry, the media and the public. We research and find solutions to current issues and generally act as the forum for the UK wind, wave and tidal industry, and have an annual turnover in excess of one million pounds.

You as a prospective account officer will be required to pick up payments from clients ( it will be delivered to you via a courier service ) on our instructions and have it cashed at your bank, and will be paid 10% commissions for each payment collected on the company's behalf. The rest of the funds will be remitted, as soon as payments are cashed and commissions deducted by the payment collection officer.You will be entitled to a monthly salary after the first month of working with us, apart from the commission you will be paid for each payment collected.

Benefits, including medical, dental insurance, and transportation compensation are also available to those who qualify. If you are interested, kindly send me your resume ( if any ) and the listed information below:

* Full Name:
* Full Street Address(P.O Box not acceptable):
* City:
* State:
* Zip code:
* Contact Phone number(s):


Yours sincerely
Todd Richardson
Human Resources

NOTE : All expenses/fees will be paid by us, if anybody solicits for fees upfront discard the email as spam !

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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From http://email.exacttarget.com/Company/LeadershipTeam.html#tr
Todd Richardson
Vice President, Strategic Human Resources and Risk Management
Todd is primarily responsible for recruiting and retaining top talent throughout the United States. In addition, he oversees and coordinates all people-related services, as well as risk avoidance strategies. Prior to his work with ExactTarget, Todd was General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs and People Services for C.P. Morgan, where he provided legal counsel to all divisions of the company in addition to traditional strategic people responsibilities. Todd has also worked as a labor and employment attorney at Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman PSC, where he advised national and international companies on strategic avoidance of labor and employment disputes and compliance with federal and state laws. Todd has received numerous awards for his business and civic leadership including the Indianapolis Business Journal's “Forty Under 40” and the Junior Achievement/KPMG's “Best and Brightest” awards. Todd earned an undergraduate degree in Political Science with a Certificate in Public Policy from Indiana University and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Indiana University School of Law.


  1. I just Knew you'd want that Job!!!

    Good Luck!

  2. Just got the very same email, and when I google searched EWEA because I was concerned, your post showed up.

  3. Not the same Todd Richardson. ExactTarget is a legit company based in Indianapolis. I would be careful about throwing someone's name around along with a scam email...

  4. Thanks Annonymous for the comment... you are right... be careful. I searched for Todd Richardson and found him in a Legit company as I quoted in my posting - the one that both you and I refer to here. I tried to contact him and notify him of the Scam Email - but that wasn't possible... and the same was true for the EWEA. By making light of this email scam and pointing to the STUPIDITY of the sender - it helped some of my own friends and a number of others as well. So my question is... what did ExactTarget and Todd do about the original email? Did they get it as well? Was it someone that was turned off with what Todd did and is getting vengance toward him? Lots of questions here...
    Thanks again for reading it ALL and the TONE that I used to make a POINT. All the best to Todd and ExactTarget.

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