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Today’s Blog Post
Dealing With Grey Clouds Overhead
Now if you have read the article I posted yesterday(the one before this one) you may wonder at this post. I hesitate to post it but it is necessary for a balance.
I am going to make a statement that may shock some and delight others… here goes... are you ready?
I have some really bad days! In fact they are “Bummers” from start to finish. And if I was totally honest the Bummer Days could be placed into categories. You may know them as something different but mine are as follows.
There is “Slump Days”, “Super Slump Days” and “Why Bother Getting out of Bed Days”. But then there are the days that start off okay but suddenly hit a Slump Bump and go down hill after that.
When I tell the stories and accounts of the wonderful things that ARE HAPPENING NOW… it is hard to tell about what is “Slump-wise” or “Slumped”.
You may not know what I mean by Slump. It is a down time that lasts for hours, days or months. It is where the spirit falls to a new low and you can’t seem to just let it go. Worse yet you can’t get started to do the next thing that you should do. And nothing gets done… nothing at all.
I wonder why it happens sometimes. I would like to prevent it from happening… but can’t always do that.
At a meeting of business owners this past week the discussion came around to the Post Christmas down time and how we as Business Owners need to work around this… or deal with it.
The realization that not only is the Business Owner facing these grey days… so are any potential customers. The realization that you may have a spent just a little too much on the holidays and you will likely be paying for it until July – is kind of heavy.
The first Credit Card Statement could cause the Slump Bump.
The realization that some one that ordered a special product no longer wants it, doesn’t call back or simply returns it. Or to add to these factors a check bounces. Double Slump Bump… ahhaa!
Business Owners are people and they face the stuff that ordinary people face as well. Their dogs get sick, there tires go flat and the dishwasher dies right after the clothes dryer quit. Yet when a new potential customer comes in to meet them they will still be asked, “Hi how are you today? You are welcome. Is there anything I can help you with?”
Then there is life that is filled with dependants and friends. The dependants and friends have lives and sometimes Slumps to. Then their Slump easily becomes my Slump too.
If you have attended a funeral you will know what I mean. You will feel what your friend feels after her mother passes away. You will know what the Slump Bump is about when your best friend’s husband suddenly experiences a heart attack and they give him little hope.
Yesterday… and last night…
For three years now I have supported and encouraged a guy that I name “Big A”. “Big A” has been in my life many times some weeks. I have encouraged him and helped him. I have stood with him and been there when he has called for help. “Big A” had big plans.
“Big A” had lived inside of a prison for a long time. When he came out I supported him in every way that I could.
“Big A” did something he shouldn’t and yesterday he was checked back into the Prison System.
This article isn’t about Prisons and “Big A”. It is about how Murray Lincoln came home after one very long day, sat down and watched as the Grey Cloud was pulled over his whole being.
The stupid part is that the account I wrote about all the things that are happening so well… is real. It is almost too good to be true… then my friend “Big A” takes me for a Slump Ride.
So what do I do when Bummer Days descend with “Slump Days”, “Super Slump Days” and “Why Bother Getting out of Bed Days”. And when yesterday’s events felt like all three hit me?
A great sleep, followed by exercise like a long walk, good food and some fellowship. Mix it all together with a sprinkle of laughter and shake real good. And on really bad days I do it all over again.
One good thing about yesterday…
I realized last after my roller coaster ride or dealing with my friend “Big A”, I had not felt these feelings since living the church leadership 18 months ago. Back in the “good old days” I faced many “Big A” folks and did the community Slump Bump many times over.
I looked at my wife and said, “I haven’t felt this way for a long time. Not since… the last “Big A” messed up, and the one before that… Oh boy!”
The sleep is over, the exercise comes next. Then a little laughter mixed with a good book.
You know – today is going to be a better day. The cloud is moving away… and the sunshine is coming through.
And the Opportunity is amazing! The Possibility is greater… and the Impossible is filled with the word and fact of POSSIBLE! I am Possible!
Wahooo! The cloud just lifted!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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http://www.lifewithoutlimbs.org/ /
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