Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christians – Obama – Muslims

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Today’s Blog Post

Christians – Obama – Muslims

The email screams….Quote…

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" sickening
Then it states…
" It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless, minority; keen to set brush fires in people's minds..."-Samuel Adams
And goes on as follows…

Obama cancelled the National Day of Prayer service traditionally held at the Whitehouse. Now.......this. The islamic prayer day last week at the Whitehouse.

For Obama to continue as our President is an insult
to our founding fathers (and to all Americans).

If you question the impact of the above picture, I would suggest you get a copy of the book The Sword of the Prophet by Serge Trifkovic. It is well researched and documented, so is trustworthy. Anyone who believes that 'Islam is not a major threat to our freedom and country' has their head in the sand. This includes Obama himself.

End quote…

This email came to me from some fellow Christians. They passed it on – because they thought I should know – I think. Maybe even they believed it.

My Question…
Why do Christians act this way... I mean ... get all upset with someone that they think should act a certain way(their way)...and then send out silly emails like this. I know they are forwarding this by way of information for me. Thanks a million!

When I go to prayer with the Islamic People and when I am in the Mosque with them - I TAKE OFF MY SHOES TOO. YES I do PRAY with THEM! They were treating me as their guest. I was honored to be there. YES I have Islamic Friends!!!

When I am in the Jewish Synagogue I place the small back cap on that they give me also.

Why wouldn't Obama do the same? I am a Pastor and he is President - why wouldn't he do the same out of respect?

The whole email and story is a ‘CROCK’ by whacky people telling part of the truth...

The actual Photo shown here was taken in Turkey in April 2009 when he visited there... read the following

Obama stated something also that was twisted beyond recognition... (this was stated in Turkey 2009)

His exact remark was, “I’ve said before that one of the great strengths of the United States is…that although we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation we consider ourselves a nation of citizens.”

This is REALLY TRUE - that is what the USA is and also what CANADA is... so let's get over it and start living like Christians - maybe the Islamic people would like what they might see. So far what I see is so far off the map of so called Christian stuff that it turns me off as well. Yikes!

The fact is that the Religiously Conservative element is anti anybody that doesn’t tow their line and support their causes!

I do not understand American Politics at all – even though I have roots in that country and also relatives and friends living there. I don’t understand why they are so adamant on knowing what each other vote – having to declare it. And if they are not what others are in a certain area they will not work, or do whatever because they will be disdained by the opposite group in their community.

Most of the Whacko Religious nut Christians that originally send out these stupid emails... are plain devious, deceitful and well... maybe even liars... which makes me wonder if they are Christians... how can some one that lies and then says they are Christian be a Christian. My Bible says they are going to Hell - if they lie.

You might like to check out  - good comments here...
and... in Snopes

I will stand up for a Jewish person wherever and whenever I can. I will support an Islamic person wherever and whenever I can. I will even listen to Whacko Christian nut case… for at least one Whacko Forwarded Email… then I nuke ‘em.

I stand for balance and don’t mind saying so. How can I treat one part of my world with such disdain and then cuddle up to the other?

I was raised to treat all men with respect. I trust and care. But men and women throughout my life have done things that have made me lose respect and trust. Most of the ones that have done that to me have not been Islamic or Jewsih – but rather ‘Good Old Down to Earth, Bible Thumping, Solid as the day is long – Christians!” They are the ones that I have some problems with… not all of them… but that is just like the Islamic and Jewish people.

God help us all – even the Religious Christians that only know themselves by being able to put someone else down.

So here is to the Emails that are Forwarded to everyone from everyone's email list... Forward Together... Here! Here!

And here is to a “Workable Delete Key”! Wahooo!

By the way… did you see Mr. Obama, Mr Bush and Mr. Clinton stand together because of what the USA can do for Haiti?

Can you even try to imagine Prime Minister Stephen Harper, with Mr. Dion, Mr. Chretien and any other living former Prime Minister of Canada standing together… too funny! In Canada that will never happen – and we are Christian.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


  1. Great post. I'm always intrigued by the Christian right in the U.S. that wants to talk about getting back to their roots of being founded under God. That was a time when the economy of the fledgling country was being built on the backs of slaves and the first steps towards the genocide of native americans were being taken. I think many Christians in the past and the present deeply struggle with the gospel of the kingdom.

  2. I am coming to grips with the past...and shudder with the attitudes that I have gleaned. I cannot undo what happened by my Great, great, great, great relatives... but I can chose to not not do the same. I met this past week with some aboriginal folk that demonstrated extreme respect for me... appreciating what I do.. but very much hurt by a past that is horrific... oh boy!

  3. Paul spoke extensively about equality and we have preached a lot about the weak serving the strong. Hmmm, maybe the message of equality would have served others better.
