Monday, December 21, 2009

The World of Goo

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Today's Blog Post

The World of Goo
The discovery of the “World of Goo” came by way of my daughter. She had played it with her kids and then talked about it to others. Excitement caught on. She tried to buy it in the different Game Stores in our area until she happened to talk to a young gamester that knows all things in the hidden world of gaming – where most adults never go. Only young kids and teens know this stuff.

My reason for writing about the World of Goo is to let the adult population know about what they might be missing.

I asked another ‘Grandpa Aged’ man if he had a Wii Game. He looked at me like I was nuts and then answered… “Some of our games are small – but I am not sure they are wee? My wife looks after the games that are stacked in the closet and when the grand kids come over she gets them out. I am too busy to play games.”

I wanted to shout, “Come on dude… is your brain dead? Don’t you like to do stuff with your grand kids? Or will you wait until it is too late and then you will be considered too old to do anything like that? I bet you are already too old… right?”

But I didn’t say anything. The poor Old Geezer at 55 years old was already a dinosaur in his kids mind. Sad.

Well we have a Wii Gaming Unit and it is lots of fun. To watch the kids play when they come over is a delight. To see their amazing speed is something else. To see what they know and the fact that I have no clue what to do at times – is humbling to say the least.

Now I admit that Wii is one dickens more fun than Cribbage. That is an understatement. Wii can get your heart rate to rocket as you try to do the next level… often a danger for old geezers in that they hold their breath too long trying to do one intricate move or stage.

Well the World of Goo is the best ever! You need to try it. In fact I would like to hold a World of Goo party for the Old Geezers I know… to let them feel young again.

No it is not about something you put on your face… or clean your hands with. It is about Goo… stuff that sticks to itself and other things. It is about rescue and building stuff and help little blobs of Goo find away out of the danger.

Sheesh – how do I get this across to Old Geezers??!

First you need to understand Wii.

Wii is a small white box that connects to your TV. The small white box has a slot where you slip in a Game CD that will be read by the Wii. In your hand you hold a wireless controller that is something like a larger chocolate bar (that should get a few Old Geezers interested).

Now as the game begins it has a way of allowing the Hand Held Controller to communicate wireless with it through the space in front of your TV. Certain buttons on the Wii allow you to perform certain functions in the game.

In place of the hand held controller you can also connect a special exercise mat, or dance mat or … but that is for another lesson…

Now with the World of Goo you need to download it from the internet.

The Wii game unit is able to connect to the wireless connection that you may have in your house – or some one else’s place. From there it can connect to the special shopping channels that are available where you can use your Wii points to buy stuff.

You have to go back to a store to buy a Wii Points Card – 2000 points for $19.95… and then with the help of the code on the back of the card you make a deposit of Wii Points on to your account that is connected with you Wii Gaming Unit.

I know that sounds complicated. But if you have a 10 year old grand child they will know what to do. Just ask them to slow down to ‘Old Geezer Speed’ to let you catch the drift. In fact they will likely have it all done before you are able to get back from the toilet (needed because of the great excitement that you have experienced up to this point).

Look for the World of Goo on the shopping channel.. then with your points you can download the game… and away you go.

With the hand held controller you need to pick up the Balls of Goo, build a structure or bridge to another area… then connect the dots… to let the Goo that is isolated be rescued.

The best I can explain it for the Old Geezers reading this… is that it is a little like doing the plumbing in your house long ago. You connect the one area – which may be the bathroom – to the water outside the house and then turn on the water to let it all flow.

Goo is kind of like that except that it doesn’t always stay connected and sometimes breaks.

Yes I played it – a lot – and late one night until I could catch on to what was happening. I needed to be up to speed when the grandkids came over.

The ultimate moment or high came when my grandson came in and said, “Wow grandpa you got further than I did. We only had the demo that wouldn’t let you get that far!”

Then I replied, “Would you like me to show you how this level is done?”

He responded, “No, it looks like one of the other levels that I tried.” And then he proceeded to connect and move and build and balance and clip on to and pile up all the Goo Balls he needed to blow away that level.

Sheesh – how did he do it that fast!?

After he left I tried again… and again… and again. Yikes too many agains.

The next morning when I woke up at 6 AM I could still see Goo Balls kind of moving around in my mind – or was it on the wall? Too much World of Goo! But was it ever fun to do. I feel young again… totally young again.

So the plans for the future…? I am going to organize a Goo Party at my friend’s home. He cannot get out as much as others and I know he loves to play games as well. He is capable Old Geezer that might just love to do something like Wii.

It is easy to do. I simply unplug… wrap up the wires and grab the hand held controllers… and in a few minutes we can set up at his house.

We can play the World of Goo, go bowling, shoot snooker, do a race, Wake Board, fly an airplane and shoot targets…etc

I will call ahead to the ambulance if need be. Active participation may over load a few Old Geezer’s hearts… and we need to be careful.

Hey – do you Wii? No, no NOT WEE! But rather Wii?

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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