Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize – What do you think?

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Today’s Blog Post

Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize – What do you think?
So I tested the water in two places today… by asking… “Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize – What do you think?”

Hokey Mokey – what a reaction! I got back many different reactions that were not at all what I thought they would be.

I had listened to the entire speech from the Nobel Prize People. The representative answered many of the questions that have been flying around the world as to President Obama’s worthiness for this award. His speech was very good and well delivered.

Then I listened to President Obama’s speech as well that was delivered to the delegation that witnessed this event today at 1:30 PM. It was also very good with its content the way that he delivered it. I was impressed with what he had to say.

In the coffee shop settings that I quizzed my fellow “Brew Sippers”… some nearly flew into a rage when his name was mentioned. One reaction was simple… “HE IS A LIAR… HE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS AWARD! The Nobel Prize People have cheapened the award – degraded it…” “yadda yadda”

Now did I mention that these were basically what we call “Christian People” that were spewing the stuff they were? Yep good old Red Neck Christians that were letting the world know what they thought about the President of the USA. NOW MIND YOU – these were good old Red Neck Canadians that had an opinion of the whole world and THEY ARE RIGHT – so Help Me God!

That conversation starter spawned another vein that is kind of loosely held by many people that I listened to today… “ALL POLITICIANS are LIARS!”

I was asked one question that I had to think long and hard about… “DO YOU KNOW – one politician that is not a liar?”

Gulp… what do you answer that one with?

I suggested that any one that rises to leadership will be judged no matter what they say or do… and because they are the leader at least one someone or one group will not like what they do… and because of that call them “a liar”.

I spoke from my own experience of leadership after 35 years of Church Ministry. As leader you are judged on what is happening whether you like it or not. And what is happening is the result of what you are doing – or not doing… and when you defend it – you are “a liar”…because whatever you say will be not right for someone.

In my time of leadership I had pastors working with me that were terrible in their private lives. Not all pastors were like that – but it only took one in one setting to hide the crap that he was living… to have us all tarred with the same brush.

In my time I also have Church Board members that were living like Hell and trying to lead a church. In three situations I was involved with at least one board member(in each setting) was sleeping with other women than his wife. In some of the congregations there were other very messy, sometimes illegal and often down right nasty attitudes that affected everyone and the whole of the church.

But because I was the leader – the Pastor – it was my fault. And each Sunday I had to stand to tell what I knew about the scripture and try to make a difference with what I said. But as sure as I did – people called me “a liar” and did much to discredit me with their words and even, in some cases, their actions.

So today when I listened to Mr. Obama and then heard the discrediting around the different coffee tables… I was more than a little bit concerned.

When Obama stepped into this role there was already lots of liars working in the Government across the USA. The same was true in Canada with our Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Mr. Nobel stated that his desire was to give an award each year to someone who…
“during the preceding year [...] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

It seems to me that President Obama, whether my coffee shop cronies like it or not, has done just that. In fact he has done that a rate that no President in recent history has ever done. He has tried.

Now the only connection I have with Mr. Obama is that one of my relatives used to live in the same White House he now calls home.

I looked on with the world as the TV Cameras panned the audience in Oslo, Sweden today. The camera lens fell on Mrs. Obama and I watched closely. This woman is something else. She stands with her man, proud of him and happy for him. What more could a man ask for?

Yet, with her husband having this huge task at hand to lead his country for at least two years, then possibly another two years following, she lives with the fact that someone – a crazy one somewhere will possibly try to take her husband’s life just because…. Michelle Obama is more than brave… she is amazing.

I do not discredit this man. I will not join in others to tear him down. I am Canadian and I stand for strength and security of my country. I also stand beside a man that believes in the same.

I feel that President Obama justly deserves this award and I am happy for him… not matter what coffee cronies say and do. I know what it is to be in leadership. WOW!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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