Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have switched from Dumb TV to Radio

Misty Hollow Carving
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Today’s Blog Post

I have switched from Dumb TV to Radio

Oh my goodness – the world tipped upside down last evening for some folks in Ontario. Their favorite program broadcast on Rogers Cable was blacked out for almost the entire time. Then because of that it was rebroadcast in the next hour. It was all about “Battle of the Blades” – there was a black screen… nothing!

Talk about a fiasco. People were cut off the source of their lives – TV.

I imagine that heads will role some where on this problem today.

However, in Canada, the TV Wars are now taking place in Gatineau, Quebec and the CRTC listens to the two sides – TV Stations(Local TV) and Cable Companies duke it out over charging more – or something – for their services. You can pick up the Link below… that describes the details of what is happenings.

The fact that the Local TV is not paid anything by the Cable Guys – for using their programming is one of the issues. If fees are set higher or at all – the only person that will pay is the local user – the Cable Guys will pass it on down the line if Local TV is allowed to charge.

Then there is a suggestion that a new service could be offered to us all… something called “Skinny TV”…where the monthly cost will be less and so is the content.

In Peterborough, the very center to the Universe (at least people here believe that), we are offered one local station that has the name CHEX. TV and at times it is SKINNY.

Then limping up from somewhere south of us is a very weak TVO – public TV kind of TV… that is the thinking kind of TV for adults at certain times and a whole bunch of cartoons for kids forever…

Further we have some kind of pathetic Global TV that is pumped into a repeater station south of us in rolling hills and dales – with super rotten reception… some days… and some days the sound is so bad that it is easier by far to turn it all off.

So we have three English speaking TV presentations… and one French station… that is also fuzzy… and poor.

In recent times the local CHEX station presented CBC news through the morning… then switched over to the “Begging TV” or “Sell You Something TV”. Now they have dropped the NEWS and simply move right into Beg and Sell TV from 8 AM on…

That Beg and Sell TV also includes Guilt TV with the different religious TV programs… usually someone from south of our Canadian Border pumping “Praise the Lord Stuff” our way and looking for more money from us.

At 9 AM the other station starts pumping more religion and then switches to Guilt TV with soft music and stories about dieing kids around the world… that need your donations.

Hey – as a minister I can handle Religion on TV… I just don’t need another flaky Bible Study that usually ends in an appeal for money… acting as if the “world” will be converted – if I give. IT IS NOT happening friends. The WORLD doesn’t watch Religion TV.

So what am I getting at? Well I have found that it is very easy to grab the TV remote and simply turn it all off. I have it down to the minute. At 8 AM I zap off the CHEX TV… and go to CBC Radio – which is so interesting! I mean you can only buy so many TV Vacuums, exercise machines, or the TV Religion. When you have a vacuum, and exercise machine (or go for walks) and you are full of Religion… why would you watch it any more?

I have looked at getting cable… but it is way too much money for nothing. For the most part you can simply buy more vacuums, exercise and religion machines… Cable lets you do it in French and English… and more often.

Now the suggestion is that you will have to pay more.

I find none of it interesting now. It is sad but true.
At 5:30 PM to about 6:30 PM we catch the news locally… but then drop it again.

If you are older… do you remember the old radio shows – or radio dramas – like maybe The Shadow? Or Bob Hope? Check out the Links below…

Have you read a good book lately? There are millions of them ready for you.

Have you tried your hand at an art or craft form that will thrill your soul – and some one else’s too?

I wish that our area were able to get good old TV the way that it used to be. You know what I mean… clean stories and comedy that was real…not smutty and making me want to walk away.

Good Lord – I am old.

But maybe not… maybe I am new… or renewed… and the TV is not keeping up with what my world is.

I have turned off four more hours a day now… down to a bare minimum… and it feels good.

I want to thank the local CHEX TV for weaning me off the morning stuff completely… it hurt a little and I shook for a while… but now I am free of Dumb TV for the whole morning… wahoo!

I did watch the “Battle of the Blades”… old hockey players trying to act like men in tights… and with girls that were good… Two programs were enough… back to Radio.

I have read two new books that have blown my mind. I have created two new lines of wood carving for the sales coming up.

I am free… whoah! It feels good.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


Old Radio Dramas

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