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Blog Post for today…
Hand Dryers in Restrooms ~ Interesting
So the newest email that is arriving from a number of friends states…
“Everyone in the cleaning industry has always been told that hand dryers in restrooms are not sanitary, they spread germs and bacteria around. I always thought that this just came from the paper companies because they are loosing sales to the hand dryers. A couple of years ago, I was working with a rep, and I noticed that after he washed his hands and noticed that there were no paper towels, only a hand dryer he left the restroom with wet hands. I asked him about it. He said that hand dryers blow a lot of germs and bacteria around. He also told me to take a look under the hand dryer next time I was in a restroom. There is a filter underneath the hand dryer that is supposed to be cleaned on a weekly basis. I looked at one and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. It had layers and layers of caked on gunk (disgusting). Since then I will not use hand dryers in restrooms. Now this is where the story gets really interesting. The schools and universities that have had the H1N1 (swine flue) outbreak this year are being told by the health department that they have to take out all of their hand dryers and replace them with towel dispensers because the hand dryers are spreading disease. Please pass this along so everyone knows not to use hand dryers.”
Being the Detective I am - I looked this up on Urban Myths - http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/medical/a/hand_dryers.htm
and also
Hoax Busters
As of November 9, 2009, both state that they are looking into it...
I want to go on record here and state that the Hand Dryer is DANGEROUS for some obvious reasons. But there is more to it than a dirty filter.
I can testify to the fact that, as a man, walking into the Men's Washroom is down right dangerous! The room is hot and moist... the Toilet is often not flushed... there is urine everywhere around the toilet seat and on the floor... and the surface stuff is drying - filling the air with "stuff molecules". The Urinal is often almost over flowing with a mixture of other men's Pee mixed with butts and gum and other stuff... it is dark in colour, stinking...and evaporating...
After I am done... I wash my hands and then leave the place using a tissue form my pocket... or a paper towel to open the door...
I NEVER TURN ON THE AIR BLOWER... that is simply circulating the smell of Hot tihS and Hot ssiP that has been air born for the last number of hours in that small cube called a bathroom as the wet stuff is evaporating. Turning on the hand dryer circulates all of the heavy molecules at a very high speed so you can breath a better mixture while drying your hands. In fact I try not to breath if some one else has turned on that blower, but holding your breath that long when you really have to go is downright dangerous. And standing at the Urinal, breathing into your own elbow while doing your thing is kind of ridiculous and dangerous.
The next best thing is to breath only through your teeth... not your nose... and then spit long and hard for the next 25 minutes after leaving the bathroom...
The alternative is to blow your nose hard - and if you don't the image of the tihS and eeP Icicles hanging from your nose hairs inside your nose and other nasal cavities can pretty much ruin your day... and you can smell the Icicles for hours afterward...
In regards to bacteria in the air... I am not sure... but I think that God gave us the ability to detect bad smells to keep us away from where bacteria might be - that way we survive as a human race...
Going into a closed, small, stinking, tihs and ssip smelling bathroom with a hand dryer is just plain stupid... but turning it on is tantamount to insane!
The email’s content warns of a dirty filter. That filter may be dirty – but if you don’t turn on the hand dryer – you still breath and the only filter you have are the long nose hairs – with icicles.
Now the real issue is... one time when I tried to leave the washroom... I had dutifully washed my hands... dried them with towels or whatever... then reached out to grab the door handle to exit... to find the tihs of another man wiped on the bright and shining handle... HE DIDN'T WASH HIS HANDS and NEVER HAS in his ENTIRE Lifetime!
After touching that handle I almost stayed inside - except I couldn't hold my breath any longer... and I gagged!
Now how many times have you washed the grime off your hands then left the bathroom at the restaurant to go to your table... pick up your hamburger and put the other man's "stuff" - whether you can see it or not... all over your hamburger...
That is kind of like licking that door handle in the Men's Washroom...
I watched a man stoop over while taking a woman's hand... and kiss her hand... “Good Lord, does he know if she has washed her hands or not...?” But that is another rant for another time!!!!
So… YES Hand Dryers in Public Bathrooms are Dangerous.
A simple conclusion can be arrived at. It is all about the old days. It seems to me that the drafty old outhouse was the answer... Any smell and evaporation went out through the looses boards, knot holes in the door and the drafty ceiling… even if the smell came up through the hole you sat on. It left the small room in a heart beat – or two.
If I can make one small appeal to the nem that read this. Clean up after yourself. Flush when you are done. Wipe up what you mess up. And as a precaution pull out your own shirt tail with your hand, grip the door knob as you open the door with your own shirt… then polish lightly before you leave.
What do you mean… “You DON’T want that “stuff” on your shirt tail?”
Well neither do I… NEITHER DO I!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
In countries with water shortages they use waterless urinals. Remarkably these things are more sanitary because when you flush you are spraying ssip into the air.
ReplyDeleteWe are woefully uninformed of what we need to keep out of our bodies and what we need to be putting into our bodies. ie H1N1 vaccine vs. healthy foods, omega 3, lots of water, anitoxidants...
Vents and bottoms of dryers in public bathrooms get contaminated with regular use. The dryers are kept in a warm, moist place – the kind of environment that bacteria, fungus and viruses need to thrive. The dryers never get hot enough to kill the germs, just warm enough to help them multiply and thrive.