Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Deer Alert! Deer Alert! – Hunter Alert! Hunter Alert!

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Today’s Blog Post

Deer Alert! Deer Alert! – Hunter Alert! Hunter Alert!

Sometime on Tuesday Morning, November 24, 2009 (today) a White Tailed Doe was discovered in the heart of Toronto’s downtown area. First it was spotted near the Union Train Station – which is where the Go Train brings in the commuters from all over. (Some guessed the Deer came on a train)

Within a short while it made its way up to the Bay and Dundas area and hunkered down in a small bush. Doing what every deer does when it is trying to avoid the people – hide.

As you read the story it is kind of funny really.

We are just through the Hunting Season when red blooded, grunting and scratching Canadian Hunter have fled the city dwellings to go kill a deer.

This is one smart deer. She came to city to avoid the Hunters from the City that were stalking her in the country. Very smart.

Well the deer wasn’t that lucky. The vet came from the Toronto Zoo with a tranquillizer gun… and shot the deer. But it takes time for a tranquillizer to take affect… and the deer said “I am out of here!” – up she bolted and away from the scene… likely to drop soon.

BUT this is TORONTO. And a good old Metro Cop pulled his handy Tazer and blam… the deer came down. City cops use the Tazer usually when the person they are pursuing is about to pull out their weapon and do the Cop some damage.

Hey – Dummy – it is a Doe – a White Tailed Deer… it doesn’t have a gun!

It is about now that my Saskatchewan Hunting Friends are rolling over and nearly killing themselves with the humor out of Toronto.

But it may open a new problem for the Wildlife Officers that nab poachers and bad dudes that hunt illegally.

Who would have thought that a Tazer could be used to do a deer in? This is amazing.

In the future should the deer be on “Posted Land”… a Tazer job could make the deer “come along” off the property… so that it could die a proper and legal death on another piece of property.

Who would have thought?

Can you imagine what P.E.T.A. is doing right now? I am sure they will speak before the day is up… or within the week.

But the story isn’t over yet. The tranquillized and Tazered deer is sleeping his city adventure off for a few days – being watched for side affects to what they nailed her with.

Then they will kindly and carefully take her to the country where she will be released to start her run again from the nasty, good old boys that are waiting for her… to Kerblam!

Seems like a huge waste of money this morning. Many police cruisers, a number of cops, people late for work as they stopped to gawk, and then one vet that was called in….

I know at least three good old boys in our area that would have been their in a heart beat to take Bambi’s mommy home with them. Why didn’t they call?

Hey! It is Toronto. Deer Alert! Hunter Alert! Go figure!!!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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