Saturday, October 10, 2009

YouTube Takes The Cake

The Internet makes it possible for people to connect – in amazing ways! Doesn’t it? And YouTube takes the cake!

This morning I was going back to check on some of my videos that I posted on YouTube. To date 5114 people have viewed N-Trak Video. Way back in March of 2008 I shot it in the Ottawa Train Station and since that time lots of visitors have dropped by. That is a lot of people per day!
But then the journey this AM took me to Bonavista, Newfoundland and in particular into Mar Faughten’s life. Who is she? Well she is a Bay Man’s Wife – I tink… and she and her group sing one of the funniest songs about the Cod. It is actually entitled “The Cod Song” and is a video shot in someone’s home or basement… but likely it is the upstairs of the home – in that there is too much rock to dig a basement.

You just have to watch it. Join the 35,388 that have watched the video.

Years ago Mar and her group would have been the church social function attraction. Today she is a world wide hit – since April 5, 2009.

Her other video entitled “Bay Man’s Wife” was published March 24, 2009 – already has 12,141 people view it.

Then I discovered “The New Townie Man”(The Official One) from Colleen Powers album Rejects (2008). This crazy video has had 85,056 watch it since January 20, 2009. This is hilarious. You have to have traveled Newfoundland and get to know the folks there to knows what she is talking about in her song…. A Townie is from the city and a Bay Man is from well out of the city – from the Bay….

But then I found the “Dead Bed in The Garbage” video by Colleen on her Web Site…(See Link below)

The shock of all shocks for me came when I clicked on another link…
I was looking at the videos I had done. I searched in You Tube using “Murray Lincoln” – and up comes a video of the “Murray Lincoln Award” presented by the Ohio Farm Bureau to three deserving men who signed up more memberships for the Bureau than anyone else.

No kidding – I am famous somewhere!... or at least a “Murray Lincoln” is. I cannot believe that there is another me in the world…and the other me is famous enough to present an award named after him!

You can bet that I have contacted the Ohio Farm Bureau to find out who the guy is. There cannot be another me! But I sure want to know who he is and where he lives(or lived).

Only 14 people have viewed this video to date since December 18, 2008. So I am guessing that a lot of Farmers in Ohio spend more time farming than watching YouTube videos.

I know one thing for sure. YouTube takes more time than I am willing to admit… early morning time that is. My account on YouTube states the following…

Videos Watched: 1,635
Videos Uploaded: 39
Video Views: 27,239
Favorites: 4

Channel Type:
Channel Views: 982
Subscribers: 9

Oh boy...

~ Murray Lincoln ~

The Cod Song

The Bay Man’s Wife

The New Townie Man

Murray Lincoln Awards by the Ohio Farm Bureau

My Train Video

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Lincoln,

    Thanks for your comments. I can inform you that this is certainly not a spoof. Our Murray Lincoln was a very influential leader and was uniquely focused on improving the lives of others.

    In 1920, he became the executive secretary for Ohio Farm Bureau, one year after its founding.

    Under Murray Lincoln's innovative leadership, Ohio Farm Bureau experienced tremendous growth and success.

    He was instrumental in bringing farm people together to improve their income and standard of living through organized action. Under his guidance, Farm Bureau helped improve economic conditions and the quality of rural life for its members.

    Ohio Farm Bureau is noted for its accomplishments under Lincoln's watch, including the creation and nurture of several successful organizations, including Nationwide Insurance; and the development of the advisory council program which gives members a greater opportunity to discuss and resolve problems at the grassroots level.

    Lincoln had great vision, and much of what believed in and talked about still hold true to this day.

    You can read more about Murray Lincoln in the book, "Vice President in Charge of Revolution" its a biography of Murray D. Lincoln as told to David Karp. It is published by McGraw Hill Custom Publishing. Its ISBN# 0-07-319854-4.

    Hope this helps. Contact us at if you have further questions.

    Dan Toland
    Communications Specialist
    Ohio Farm Bureau
