Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Everyone should have to fly naked!!!

In 2007 my wife and I walked through the airport security in London England. There was a line up and some confusion ahead of us. We had just arrived early that morning after what seemed to be an all night flight, waited for our flight to Africa and were now getting ready to board the new aircraft heading south. What was the problem?

Everyone had to take off their shoes and walk sock footed through the security area. The shoes were paced in the Scanning device and then you retrieved them on the other side of the machinery and headed to your next waiting area.

Do you know that some people have to sit down to put on their shoes… either their tummy is too big or they can’t balance well on one foot. That bunches people up on the other side as you put on your shoes.

The smart people simply wore slip-ons!

Today I listened to/watched the video from the UK… and Manchester in particular. The new Strip Search machine has been installed and people have the possibility to voluntarily to go through this machine rather than the normal, shoes off, bags up, wand scanned – or patted down – way of doing things.

The Strip Search Machine looks through your clothing and sees all of you. Oh Boy.

In the hospital they do that with the X-ray machines… CT Scans and MRI machines. But this seems to be different. The Airport Security people don’t have white coats on… and the room is not darkened.

It is a different mind set for sure! My mind set…! And my body parts…!

The photo of the scan of one man pretty much shows what you might or might not be hiding (see link below). It also shows the metal parts added to your body because of body repairs and earlier surgeries.

My friend Pastor Tim would have a face that would look like a Robot after the surgeries he went through following his terrible car accident a number of years ago.

My friend Terry would now beep and show the magic screw in his neck.
And a whole bunch of seniors would be looking as if they were carrying a gun right about hip level with their new hip replacement parts. The top of the leg bone now looks very much like a pistol!

I am not sure I am ready for the next level of technology development. There is something about letting everyone see all of me… all the parts that I try hard to cover up each morning after my shower!

Adam and Eve messed up and with their little “Fruit Vacation” the guilt factor entered all of our beings… or should I say shame. The first thing they did was cloth themselves and hide from God.

I know I have an Adam complex… I hate being naked when someone might see it all. Just an old fashioned attitude – but it is mine.

Now there is one way to not have to go through the Airport Technology – and it is simple!

Everyone should have to fly naked. Their clothing could be bagged and tagged – then given to them at their exit of the aircraft.

Now settle down… hold on to your blood pressure arm band. That won’t happen… you are okay.

BUT the feeling that I have as the new machine comes into my life – gives me the feeling that I was made naked for the flight – and it unsettles me.

Okay. Anyone want to head to Manchester today? Or should I say – leave from Manchester today?

Now settled down! I just think some real weird thoughts sometimes. And now you are thinking them too.

Too funny! Have a great day and a wonderful week!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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