I have a helpless feeling this morning. Something I can do nothing about is taking place right now. My friend Terry is suffering greatly with ‘post op’ pain in his neck.
A while ago they operated on Terry’s neck placing a metal plate up against the vertebrae in his neck and also placing a piece of bone from his hip – between the vertebrae in his neck. This solved the pain that he was having most of time. The pain would radiate down his arms until he could not stand it any longer. After the operation the pain lifted and was no more.
Suddenly a different and more persistent pain came again.
The metal plate was being held to his vertebrae by some screws. One screw has now worked loose and there is also some other things happening in that area.
The pain is almost more that anyone can imagine.
I wonder at how much pain one person can stand – even with medication?
I want to go in there a fix Terry. I want the Doctors to do more. But none of that can happen yet.
More than all of that Marion, Terry’s faithful wife, is there to help him in any way she can. And it is heavy to say the least… I can only imagine what she is going through today.
If you are a person of prayer and believe that God listens to people that call on him… would you please pray for Terry and Marion today. If you don’t believe in God and you can’t pray… would you simply remember them today. We all need you to help!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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