Sunday, September 13, 2009

Second Post for This Sunday

In order to understand the photo below read the previous Posting - just prior to this one.

The remarks in the Van as they listened to the story I told was amazing. We were dealing with Moses and the people that followed him. As they listened to the Garmin GPS one remarked that Moses wouldn't have had this kind of apparatus... they all laughed at that.

The Garmin took us to four different places while Teens tried to guess where we were - blindfolded. They were close but not right on... and then they become confused as more and more corners were turned... and more and more instructions were given by the computer - first in Cantonese, then in Korean - then in French... then in Australian English...

We completed our class in Tim Hortons with Tim Bits and a drink as we discussed the issues that the Children of Israel faced with disobedience...

There was an ahaaa moment as we listened to each other.

I am loving this... they all stayed awake and all particpated... this is what church is all about...

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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