Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MITCATPH and Celebrating the One Year Anniversary

“Misty Hollow Carving” seen at www.murraylincoln.com is One Year Old – Wahoo!

One year in business! The anniversary is tomorrow. What a feeling to own your business and be completely responsible for what you do. You can’t blame any one else for slacking off. You can wonder who dropped the ball when it doesn’t go well. And in my position of being the sole proprietor and sole staff member and sole production manager and sole whatever else comes down the pipe… I am it!

Now if it takes off and gets to be the business of the year – no one will know. It is dies a death over night – who cares? Pretty much on my own is my guess now.

Over the past 364 days there have been a good number of distractions. Pretty much anything that moves or stirs the imagination will get me to look away from what I am suppose to get done at that moment. As I say that someone is diagnosing me as ADHD.

Maybe they are right. I definitely have a time of it.

The article states…
“ADHD signs can insidiously and severely interfere with one's ability to get the most out of education, fulfill one's potential in the workplace, establish and maintain interpersonal relationships, and maintain a generally positive sense of self.”

I don’t think that is me… I am 99.99% positive. I have hundreds of interpersonal relationships that are simply a ball to maintain. I can fulfill anything I want to in the workplace… and have for 45 years. Get the most out of education – WHAT?– I had more fun in school than anyone – what do you mean “get the most out of education”?

But I honestly don’t think it is ADHD. It is rather MITCATPH. That is “Multiple Ideas That Come At Twenty Per Hour”. And every idea is valid and possible.

With MITCATPH you can cause a riot at the back of the class. I guess that is why I was always seated in the first one of two seats in every class. Looking back on it I thought the teacher just wanted to be near me! At the back of the class was a bummer though – so I gladly took the front seat… that way when I had a good thought that could be acted on easily – more people would laugh… sometimes I could even see the teacher snickering.

MITCATPH helps in my business – sometimes. The ideas are fresh and new and catching someone’s attention all the time.

What in the dickens has MITCATPH got to do with business? Well in my wood carving business – my edge is doing one more and better wacky thing that other people.

MITCATPH can also bury me with an almost impossible stream of ideas that come…. so I write them down… someday maybe I will use them – and maybe not… doesn’t matter much because new ideas are coming all the time.

Now when you register your new business and become better known the stuff that comes your way is amazing. Each email, each letter, each new suggestion can fire off the MITCATPH. Getting a new magazine or seeing a new catalogue will rapid fire hundreds of ideas of how it could be changed to make the thing better.

That was the problem this weekend with my Tatting I think. I attended this Tatting Conference in Cambridge as some may have read about it. I was supposed to follow a pattern that the instructor of the small class gave out. One problem the pattern called for the use of ridiculously small and impossible beads to be placed in your Tatted piece.

I hate beads and beading – too slow and far too restricted in opportunity. So in the class I made the necessary changes to the pattern to eliminate the beads all together. The MITCATPH took affect in a heart beat.

Ooops! The phone just rang and a friend called me to go for a coffee. I gotta run. This is important. The carving can wait one more hour and besides I have a new idea that I want to share with him.

I think I will take along my Tatting Shuttle to work on the new idea just in case he doesn’t show right a way. I know he said that he has some new ideas that he would like me to look at.

I am going to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of my business with a new idea today… in fact I just had three more. MITCATPH – forever.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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