Friday, September 4, 2009

Kinmount Fair 2009 Labour Day Weekend

I am savouring the country life at its best. Yet it is not all country - people are here at the fair from the city and many other countries - from all over the world. What an affair this Fair is - the Kinmount 2009 Fair - Labour Day Weekend. And to top it all off - I am guest of the Pioneer Committee of the Fair and Area. I am demonstrating wood carving and wood working.

The gleam in the Children's eyes as they watch the "Yip Stick" do its thing - a hundred year old toy to keep kids quiet on Sunday Afternoon - made by Grandpas...

The "ooohs" and "aaahs" as people look over my wood carvings has been a delight to hear. It has been a very successful day today... and two more to go.

All we need now is a Fifth Wheel Trailer and a good truck... and the rest of the world is waiting for us to arrive. I can feel it coming on. What a life it could be - one fair to the next... one state and province to the next... and a million people to meet.

This weekend I may be speaking to over 5000 to 10000 people. 25,000 people will attend this small country fair. Today there must have been 3000 - whoa I talked to a lot of people!!!

In the middle of the photos below you will find me talking and talking and talking...

~ Murray Lincoln ~

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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